Premier séminaire sur le concept stratégique : 'Les tâches fondamentales de l'Alliance en matière de sécurité'

  • 16 Oct. 2009 -
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  • Mis à jour le: 19 Oct. 2009 12:54
Séminaire au Luxembourg consacré au nouveau concept stratégique de l’OTAN

Séminaire au Luxembourg consacré au nouveau concept stratégique de l’OTAN

16 Oct. 2009

Le 16 octobre s’est tenu au Luxembourg le premier d’une série de quatre séminaires destinés à orienter l’élaboration du nouveau concept stratégique de l’OTAN et la définition des tâches fondamentales de l’Alliance en matière de sécurité.

Friday 16 October 2009 document audio photo video
09:00 Registration and coffee for participants – Chambre de commerce,
plateau de Kirchberg.
09:30 Welcome remarks
H.E. Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luxembourg



09:35 Introductory remarks
Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, NATO Deputy Secretary General


09:40 Chair’s remarks
The Hon. Madeleine K. Albright, Chair of the Group of Experts
09:50 Discussion 1: NATO’s enduring purpose in a changing security environment

Chair: Bruno Racine

Kick-off remarks:

•   The new security environment: NATO’s strategic interests, what priorities and what vulnerabilities? - Speaker: Karl Kaiser

•   NATO’s contribution to global security. - Speaker: Rupert Smith

Aim: to get a common understanding of major changes in the security environment and the implications of these changes for NATO’s essential purpose and contribution to the freedom and security of its members.

11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Discussion 2: Core tasks of the Alliance


Chair: Adam Rotfeld

Kick-off remarks:

•   Collective defence in today’s security environment. Article V. credibility and changing requirements. - Speaker: Espen Barth Eide

•   Adapting deterrence to the 21st century. - Speakers: Stefan Fule and Rob de Wijk

Aim: to review the fundamental security missions of the Alliance and assess what remains unchanged and what needs to be adapted. To identify what new tasks does the Alliance still need to address.

13:00 Buffet Lunch
13:00 Private lunch of the Group of Experts with the Deputy Secretary General, the Chairman of the Military Committee and NATO Strategic Commanders.
Chair: Jeroen Van der Veer
14:00 Discussion 3: NATO’s political role photo

Chair: Geoff Hoon

Kick-off remarks:

•    Is NATO still the focal point for Transatlantic political consultation and policy formulation and coordination? - Speaker: Pauline Neville-Jones

•   Anticipation and prevention: how to promote knowledge-based security within NATO? - Speaker: Camille Grand

Aim: to explore the scope and efficiency of political consultation in NATO.

15:30 Tea break
16:00 Discussion 4: Priorities for a NATO strategy in the 21st century photo

Three round tables (1 hour + 3x10’ debrief) chaired by Experts supported by rapporteurs.

•   Round table one: Level of ambition in a constrained environment - Chair: Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz

•   Round table two: Hard and soft security – soft and smart power - Chair: Giancarlo Aragona

•   Round table three: Prioritization of missions – prevent, deter, protect, fight. - Chair: Ümit Pamir

Aim: to confront ideas with realities. To assess tensions among nations about the move from defence to security (functional enlargement - how far?) and about ambition and resource constraints.

17:30 Short break

Conclusions from the seminar rapporteur: Karl-Heinz Kamp


•   Concluding remarks: The Hon. Madeleine Albright, Chair of the Group of Experts ENG .MP3/
•   Closing remarks: H.E. Jean-Marie Halsdorf, Minister of Defence, Luxembourg FR .MP3/
•   End of the seminar
•   Interview with Bruno Racine, president of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and president of the board of directors of the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique FR .MP3/