Updated: 15-Nov-2001 1996

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December 1996

2-3 Dec

OSCE summit in Lisbon on European Security issues adopts a Declaration on a Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the 21st Century.

9 Dec

German Chancellor Kohl and French President Jacques Chirac sign an agreement on mutual security and defence.

10 Dec

Ministerial meeting of the North Atlantic Council at NATO Headquarters in Brussels confirms NATO readiness to organise and lead a Stabilisation Force (SFOR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, subject to a UN Security Council mandate. Ministers also announce further steps to be taken in the internal and external transformation of the Alliance in preparation for the July 1997 Madrid Summit. NATO issues a statement on the stationing of nuclear forces.

Additional information:

  • NATO Ministerial Communiqus: Documents from the Ministerial Meeting

  • High resolution photos of the North Atlantic Council Meeting at the level of Foreign Ministers
11 Dec

Switzerland signs the Partnership for Peace Framework Document, during a meeting with the North Atlantic Council.

Additional information:

17 Dec

Kofi Annan becomes Secretary General of the United Nations.

19 Dec

H.M. The Sultan of Brunei visits NATO.

Additional information:

20 Dec

NATOs Implementation Force (IFOR) in Bosnia is replaced by SFOR (Stabilisation Force).

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