Last update: 21-Nov-2003 14:00 NATO Update

17 Nov. 2003

Kosovo must be multi-ethnic
says NATO Secretary General

14/11/2003 - NATO
NATO Secretary General visit to Kosovo - 17 November 2003
14/10/2003 - NATO
First direct talks between
Belgrade and Pristina held in Vienna
NATO's role in Kosovo


During a one-day farewell visit on 17 November, NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson called on Albanian and Serb leaders to work together for a multi-ethnic Kosovo.

The Secretary General travelled to Pristina for meetings with the commander of the NATO-led peacekeeping force, General Kammerhoff, the Head of the UN Mission in Kosovo, Harri Holkeri, as well as President Ibrahim Rugova, the President of the Kosovo Assembly Nexhat Daci and Prime Minister Rexhepi.

Lord Robertson also visited the village of Novo Selo, north of Pristina, where he met with former Serb refugees who have returned to their homes.

Speaking to reporters there, he said Kosovo must become a safe home for people of every ethnic origin and that Serb refugees have a right to return to their homes. A truly multi-ethnic Kosovo was a precondition for any discussion on the final status of Kosovo, he said.

Lord Robertson praised the start of direct talks between Belgrade and Pristina on 14 October in Vienna, but said the talks must now be followed up by concrete action and results.