Dává nám naději, že naše země už nikdy nepodlehne ani nebude obětována jakémukoli agresorovi, a zároveň vyjadřuje jasné odhodlání spoluodpovídat za svobodu národů, lidská práva, demokratické hodnoty a mír na našem kontinentě.

[I]It gives us hope that our country will never succumb, nor will it be sacrificed to any aggressor, and at the same time expresses a clear resolve to be jointly responsible for freedom of nations, human rights, democratic values and peace on our continent.[/I]

Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic, 12 March 1999

© Reuters


Történelmi nap ez a mai. Magyarország ma foglalja el helyét az Észak-atlanti Szövetség tagjai között. Hosszú folyamat zárult le: hazánk végérvényesen a biztonságos világ részévé vált.

[I]Today is an historic day. Today Hungary takes its place among the members of the North Atlantic Alliance. A long process has been completed: our country has once and for all become part of the safe and secure world.[/I]

Viktor Orbán, Hungarian Prime Minister, 12 March 1999


To wielki dzień dla Polski, jak i dla milionów Polaków rozproszonych po wszystkich kontynentach. Polska wraca na zawsze tam, gdzie jest jej miejsce: do wolnego świata. Polska już nie jest osamotniona w obronie swojej wolności. Jesteśmy w NATO dla 'naszej i waszej wolności'.

[I]This is a great day for Poland, as well as for millions of Poles scattered all over the world. Poland forever returns to where she has always belonged - the free world. Poland is no longer alone in the defence of her freedom. We are in NATO 'for your freedom and ours'.[I]

Bronislaw Geremek, Polish Foreign Minister, 12 March 1999

© Reuters


Осъмнахме с царя в НАТО

[I]We met the dawn with the king and in NATO[/I]

Bulgarian newspaper 24 Hours, 29 March 2004 © Reuters


Eesti iseseisvus sai NATO-lt ajaloo tugevaima kaitsetagatise

[I]Estonia received the strongest defence guarantee in its history from NATO[/I]

Delfi newspaper, Estonia, 30 March 2004


Tagad ir pielikts vēl viens solis klāt neatkarībai, lai padarītu mūsu izcīnīto brīvību neatgriezenisku.

[I]Now another step has been taken for our independence and it makes the freedom we fought for irreversible.[/I]

Indulis Emsis, Prime Minister of Latvia


Žingsnis po žingsnio iki visateisės narystės

[I]Step by step towards full NATO membership[/I]

Delfi newspaper, Lithuania, 29 March 2004


Pentru prima dată, securitatea ţării noastre este garantată în mod real. Cea mai mare alianţă politico- militară a tuturor timpurilor a devenit chezaş pentru integritatea şi suveranitatea României.

[I]For the first time, our country’s security is effectively guaranteed. The largest political and military organisation of all time has become a guarantor of Romania’s integrity and sovereignty.[/I]

© Reuters


Väčší vplyv a väčšia zodpovednosť na medzinárodnej scéne Vstupom do NATO sa SR stala súčasťou organizácie, kde v postavení rovnocenného partnera môže diskutovať a spoločne so spojencami rozhodovať o akýchkoľvek otázkach ovplyvňujúcich životné záujmy členov aliancie, vrátane vývoja, ktorý môže ohrozovať ich bezpečnosť.

[I]Bigger influence and bigger responsibility on the international scene By joining NATO, the Slovak Republic became part of an organisation in which it can as an equal partner discuss and jointly decide with Allies about any issues influencing vital interests of its members, including developments potentially leading to threatening their security.[/I]

Milan Kňažko, Slovak politician and actor, 29 March 2004 © Reuters


Slovenski premier Rop: Slovenija je danes varnejša kot včeraj Slovenski premier Rop je poudaril, da se Slovenija zaveda odgovornosti in je pripravljena biti zanesljiva partnerica drugih članic zavezništva. Kasneje na pogovoru s slovenskimi novinarji pa je dodal, da je bil v ponedeljek zgodovinski dan, ki za Slovenijo pomeni zagotovljeno višjo stopnjo varnosti. Hkrati s predajo listin je NATO namreč začel varovati slovenski zračni prostor in Slovenija je dobila tudi garancije za zaščito pred napadi in grožnjami.

[I]Prime Minister Rop: Slovenia is today more secure than yesterday Slovenian Prime Minister Rop underlined that Slovenia was well-aware of its responsibility and was ready to be a reliable partner to other members of NATO alliance. He added that Monday had been a historical day, which for Slovenia meant a higher level of security. Simultaneously with the handing over of the accession documents, NATO began to ensure the protection of Slovenian air space, thus providing Slovenia with a guaranteed protection against attacks and threats.[/I]


"Anëtarësimi i Shqipërisë në NATO përbën kurorëzimin më të shkëlqyer të të gjitha përpjekjeve të vendit tonë për të zënë hapësirën që i takon në gjirin e kombeve të qytetëruara."

[I]"Albania’s membership of NATO represents the most outstanding accomplishment of all the efforts of our country to obtain the place it deserves amidst the presence of civilized nations."[/I]

Sali Berisha, Prime Minister of Albania, 7 April 2009 © Reuters


NATO savez nije samo vojni savez već i savez koji štiti demokratske vrijednosti pa ulazak u taj Savez potvrđuje kako je Hrvatska usvojila i brani visoke demokratske standarde.

[I]NATO is not only a military alliance, but also an alliance which protects democratic values and therefore becoming a member of this alliance confirmed that Croatia has adopted and defends high democratic standards.[/I]

Stjepan Mesić, President of Croatia © Reuters