7 Dec. 2001
Progress Report
of the Work in the Second Half of 2001
South East
Europe Security Cooperation Steering Group
Following its bi-annual senior level meeting in Zagreb on 11 June 2001,
the SEEGROUP continued its work in Brussels. At the 28 June 2001 meeting
it was decided that Croatia continue its chairmanship until 31 December
2001, completing thus a one year cycle. It was also decided that all future
chairmanships last one year, as this would benefit the continuity of work.
Romania shall assume chairmanship in 2002.
Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, the former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia (1),
Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia continued their participation in the SEEGROUP.
Equally active participation of regional countries, non-regional PfP Partner
countries as well as NATO Allies ensured strong support and wide basis
for the SEEGROUP's work.
Representatives of the Stability Pact for South East Europe, Mr. Henderson
and Mr. Ergen, continued to regularly attend the meetings, providing a
vital link to the practical and project-oriented regional co-operation
in the area of security and defense.
Support and facilitation of the NATO International Staff representatives
remained pivotal for the work of the SEEGROUP and its interaction with
the Alliance. Particularly valuable was the facilitation by the Defense
Planning and Operations Division (DPAO) representative, Mr. Burak Akcapar,
as well as the input by the Political Affairs Division (PA) representative,
Mr. Fred C. Parker. Equally important was the expertise shared by the
Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) Co-ordinator,
Mr. Evert Somer.
Additionally, after several months, a SHAPE representative resumed attendance
at the meetings, further strenghtening this interaction.
Alongside previously initiated activities, in line with its Action Plan,
the SEEGROUP several new ones, as a follow up to the SEECAP document,
agreed by the foreign ministers of the SEECAP participating countries
at their meeting in Budapest on 29 May 2001. The scope of these and other
activities required intensified efforts, so the SEEGROUP increased the
dynamics of its work from monthly to weekly meetings. This practice proved
extremely useful and should be continued in the future.
A senior level meeting of the SEEGROUP, traditionally convened a day
before the Stability Pact III Working Table on Security Issues meeting,
was held on 26 November 2001 in Budapest. The meeting took stock of the
activities in the second half of 2001 and discussed the Action Plan for
2002. Particularly valuable was the discussion on the lessons-learned
in the South East Europe regional co-operation process embodied in SEEI,
SEEGROUP and SEECAP, as well as on possible sharing of experience with
countries from other regions.
As the first follow up activity to the SEECAP, and in line with the SEEI
recommendation from the PMSC report, the SEEGROUP agreed on the "Framework
Guidelines for the Exchange of Border Security Personnel in South East
Europe" (SEESTAFF). In it, the SEEGROUP participating countries have
agreed, as a matter of priority, to begin the exchange of liaison officials
at border crossings and in headquarters, as well as to consider other
forms of border security personnel exchanges. Furthermore, exchanges of
other personnel, inter alia among Foreign and Defense Ministries, are
also envisaged.
The modalities for the abovementioned exchanges will be developed among
the SEEGROUP countries bilaterally and/or in the future SEEGROUP meetings,
and the SEEGROUP will follow the implementation. Additionally, and in
order to benefit from the training and education capabilities in the PfP
framework, the PfP Training Centers are encouraged to develop a basic
training curriculum for the exchange of personnel.
The SEESTAFF reflects the need to counter the threats to security and
stability in South East Europe generated by organized crime, terrorism
and illegal immigration, as well as trafficking of human beings, arms,
narcotics and other illicit materials. Improvement of border security
in a co-operative and co-ordinated manner is perceived as one of the essential
elements in the fight against those non-conventional threats.
The SEEGROUP participating countries initiated a South East Europe Comparative
Study of National Security Strategies (SEESTUDY). This study, a concrete
follow up of SEECAP, is envisaged to review and recommend improvement
of the countries' capabilities for risk assessment, early warning, conflict
prevention, crisis management, defense and civil emergency planning, as
well as national security strategy formulation and implementation.
The SEESTUDY should additionally identify areas in which countries have
developed particularly strong capacities or expertise, which could than
be shared in order to enhance overall regional and trans-regional security
and stability.
The Pilot Paper, defining the requirements for the SEESTUDY, has been
agreed by the SEEGROUP, together with a concept for a Scoping Study. The
Scoping Study, the aim of which is to further define the needs and modalities
for conducting the SEESTUDY, should begin in January 2002 and last approximately
three weeks. It should be followed by the SEESTUDY itself, which should
be completed, ideally, by the end of June 2002. The SEESTUDY should result
in country-specific recommendations on how to improve and update their
respective national security strategies and documents, as well as for
reforms in the security sector field.
It was recommended that an independent and well-respected institution
with expertise in this field should have the leading role in the development
of the SEESTUDY, with the support of the participating countries. The
United Kingdom offered to fund the Scoping Study and identified a British-based
institute (RUSI) that is interested in conducting the SEESTUDY.
Participation in the SEESTUDY is on voluntary basis and not directly
connected to participation in the SEEGROUP. Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania
have already expressed their willingness to participate in the SEESTUDY.
Building on the synergy achieved with the Stability Pact, the SEESTUDY
was included into the Report of the Stability Pact Ad Hoc Working Group
on Security Sector Reform as a priority and the donour countries have
been lobbied on that basis.
Area Fire Fighting Exercise "Taming the Dragon - Daim atia 2002"
Preparations continued for the Open Area Fire Fighting Exercise "Taming
the Dragon - Dalmatia 2002" to be hosted in Croatia in May 2002.
This exercise was proposed by Croatia as early as 2000 in the framework
of the Stability Pact Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Initiative
(DPPI) and was subsequently included in the NATO/PfP Partnership Work
Programme. The EADRCC and the Ministry of Interior of Croatia have been
active in the planning and preparation of the exercise, with the SEEGROUP
and Stability Pact providing close co-operation and support.
The Initial Planning Conference was held in Valbandon, Croatia, from
2 to 4 October 2001, where the framework for exercise was agreed. The
sixteen participating countries agreed that the main purpose of the exercise
should be to test communication and co-ordination in international co-operation.
The exercise, which is based on combating forest fires, one of the major
disaster risks in Croatia, would include fire fighting, mountain rescue,
search and rescue, water rescue, medical care, handling of hazardous materials,
evacuation and public information.
The Main Planning Conference will be held from 29 to 31 January 2002
in Split, Croatia, in the vicinity of the exercise site Basko Polje.
against terrorism
On 30 November, the SEEGROUP held a special meeting dedicated to the
fight against terrorism, an issue of particular importance after the tragic
and outrageous terrorist attacks on the United States of America on 11
September 2001. At this meeting, Romania, the initiator of the meeting,
introduced a project aimed at creating a Compendium of Anti-Terrorism
Measures in South East Europe. The aim of the project is to achieve a
basis for possible future co-ordinated action in this field, with all
interested actors.
The Compendium is an open-ended document to which all SEEGROUP participating
countries and international agencies are invited to contribute with their
specific input.
In its last meeting in 2001, the SEEGROUP agreed the Action Plan for
2002, which is attached to this report.
The Action Plan is defined by the determination of the SEEGROUP participating
countries that the SEEGROUP should remain the main forum which will develop
and implement activities recommended by the EAPC, through the PMSC, in
the framework of the SEEL It also takes into account the need to follow-up
on the SEECAP recommendations.
The SEEGROUP will engage in three types of the activities. It will continue
to follow up on the activities in which it had a leading, supporting or
otherwise substantial role; it will strive to develop new instruments
and measures for enhancing regional security; and it will continue its
steering, co-ordination, clearing-house and information exchange activities.
Particular emphasis will be given to the issues of security sector reform;
exchange of political-military and other early warning, conflict prevention
and crisis management information; strengthening of public visibility
of the SEEGROUP work; and sharing of experience with countries from other
In that regard, Romania has submitted a concept paper for its chairmanship
in 2002.
- Action
Plan for 2002
& Annex: Concept for Scoping Study
- Concept
paper on Romania's SEEGROUP Chairmanship in 2002
- Bulgaria,
Croatia, Slovenia and Turkey recognize the Republic of Macedonia with
its constitutional name.