23 Nov. 2001
Pilot Paper
on South
East Europe Comparative Study
of National Security Strategies (SEESTUDY)
SEESTUDY would be the first concrete follow-up of SEECAP (South East
Europe Common Assessment Paper on regional security challenges and opportunities)
and a logical continuation of its aims. SEECAP is a unique joint regional
achievement in which all SEE and other participating countries agreed
on the challenges to regional security and on strategies for overcoming
these challenges.
SEECAP's follow-up will be pursued mainly through SEEGROUP, a steering
group of countries from the region and interested NATO Allies and Partners,
which coordinates security-related projects and initiatives in South East
Europe. SEEGROUP is the initiating body of the SEESTUDY and will help
manage its further development.
The countries of the region strongly support this initiative as a common
SEEGROUP project.
The Study will aim to undertake a comparative study of national security
strategies in South East Europe, addressing both their content and the
process that produces them, as well as national mechanisms for implementing
these strategies.
The Study should enable participating countries to review and improve
their capacities for risk assessment, early warning, conflict prevention
and crisis management, defence and civil emergency planning, and national
security strategy formulation and implementation, including through identification
of best practices and sharing of expertise.
At the same time, it could facilitate regional cooperation, connectivity,
and information exchange on these issues, thus supporting the development
of an enhanced regional security sector reform community.
The Study should also identify areas in which SEE countries have developed
particularly strong capacities and/or expertise, to provide for more complementary
national security strategies in which certain specialized military capabilities
could be shared.
- Integrative
view: The Study should not be limited to national
particularities but rather should focus on how these national strategies
interconnect with each other in the regional and Euro-Atlantic context.
- Institutional
Focus: The Study should factor in the ministries, agencies,
and other domestic institutions - whether on the national, regional,
or local level -which participate in the formulation and/or implemention
of national security strategies.
- Evolutionary
Perspective: The Study should address briefly the development
of national security strategies over the last decade and provide some
perspective on the effectiveness of those strategies.
- Dynamic
approach: The Study should reflect the on-going transformation
of the global security situation, including in light of the September
11 attacks, and relevant updates of national security strategies in
- Euro-Atlantic
perspective: The Study should account for the paramount role
of NATO and the EU in shaping security strategies and building defence
capabilities in the region, particularly through their respective integration
and cooperation processes. The Study should also assess the impact of
enhanced stability in SEE on the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic
region as well as the potential impact of global, trans-regional and
other challenges on the stability of the SEE.
- Synergy:
The Study should build upon the SEECAP process and take into account
ongoing work within other regional initiatives, such as the Stability
Pact WT III, particularly the ongoing work on security sector reform
and the Initiative on Transparency of Defence Budgeting, and the Southeast
Europe Defence Ministerial process (SEDM).
- Concrete
results: The Study should have a practical orientation so
as to be a useful tool for governments in the region as they work to
improve and update their respective national security documents and
arrangements. One of the outcomes should be specific recommendations
on implications of SEECAP and SEESTUDY for reforms in the security sector
- The role of SEEGROUP will be to supervise the work on SEESTUDY - as
political coordinator - and to facilitate national support for this
- Given the envisaged impact of the Study on defence and security issues
in SEE, the SEEGROUP Facilitator would be asked to continue his advisory
role at all stages in the development of this Study.
- An independent academic institute, think-tank or NGO from a NATO
country, with strong expertise in Euro-Atlantic security and defence
issues, should be selected as the lead implementor of this Study.
- The work on the Study should be carried-out by a collective taskforce,
under the coordination of the lead implementor. This taskforce will
involve, on a voluntary basis, experts from countries participating
in the SEESTUDY and international donors.
- National defence colleges in the region, workshops, and seminars
should be used to ensure the broadest possible input and discussion,
including NATO/EAPC/PfP/SEEl workshops in which these bodies could play
a valuable role.
- The lead implementor could undertake first a preliminary paper to
establish the scope of the SEESTUDY and recommend the best working modalities.
Otherwise, specific working modalities could be established at an initial
planning meeting of the task force.