These are a sample of the training available and interested parties should always contact their home NCB first to confirm what training is available locally.
Codification for Managers & Directors Reference IS/DI.1281.4
Audience: Codification Managers & Directors Duration: 1 week Frequency: Annual cycles Language: English Link: NCB College Remarks: Introductory to NCS, management of NCB, logistics codification interface. This course is designed for logisticians at a managerial level dealing with codification and its interrelations, for NCB personnel and other professionals who participate in NCS management at national and international levels.
Codification for Codifiers and Logisticians Reference IS/DI.1281.4
Audience: Codifiers & Logisticians Duration: 2 weeks Frequency: Annual cycles Language: English Link: NCB College Remarks: Detailed knowledge of NCS, practical codification skills, international data exchange, defence logistics and codification, new NCS trends. This course is designed for personnel who are or will be dealing with practical issues of codification and who have already acquired basic knowledge of codification processes. It is suitable continuation of the NCS Course for Managers & Directors.
NCS Course for Managers & Logisticians
Audience: Codification Managers & Logisticians Duration: 1 week Frequency: biennially Language: English Link: NCS College in BRNO Remarks: Basic knowledge of NCS, NCS management, how to establish an NCB, logistics codification interface, NDER, codification as a DNA of logistics. This course is designed for logisticians at a managerial level dealing with codification and its interrelations, for NCB personnel and other professionals who participate in NCS management at national and international levels.
NCS Course for Codifiers
Audience: Codifiers Duration: 2 weeks Frequency: biennially Language: English Link: NCS College in BRNO Remarks: Detailed knowledge of NCS, practice on a real codification SW, international data exchange (NDER - NATO Data Exchange Redesigne Project), defence logistics and codification, new NCS trends. This course is designed for personnel who are or will be dealing with practical issues of codification and who have already acquired basic knowledge of codification processes. It is suitable for those who participated in the NCS Course for Managers & Logisticians.
Basic Codification Course
Audience: NCB personnel; Codifiers Duration: 8 business days Frequency: on request Language: English Link: Contact French NCB
NCB Directors Course
Audience: NCB Directors Duration: 3 days - 18 to 20 March 2025 Frequency: Annual cycles Language: English Link: Contact French NCB
Audience: Codifiers Duration: 12+3 weeks * Frequency: yearly Language: Spanish Link: Portal de Servicios del Ministerio de Defensa Remarks: *12 weeks distance education and 3 weeks on-site at ESP-NCB
Training Course for Codification Managers
Audience: Codification Managers Duration: 12+1 weeks * Frequency: 1 each 2 years Language: Spanish Link: Portal de Servicios del Ministerio de Defensa Remarks: *12 weeks distance education and 1 week on-site at ESP-NCB
CSIS - Codification Support Information System
Audience: Codifiers / Project Teams / Industry Frequency: on demand Language: English Link: UK NCB portal