National codification tools

Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)

NATO Codification System software applications commercially available


This product from HENSOLDT has been adopted by many countries worldwide, many of which also use SAP. The redesigned version of N-CORE is N-CORE NG (NG - Next Generation) and is a web-based 4 Tier application with a thin client and developed in Java. All details about N-CORE NG, the user countries, and user group you will find on the N-CORE homepage.


This product from the Czech company AURA has been developed using Java EE technology and can interface with other information systems, including SAP. MC CATALOGUE is a smart web-based tool for an easy and user-friendly materiel codification according to ACodP-1 that provides mature graphical user interface, comfortable operation and wide range of functionality including the eOTD module package.

If you would like to test MC CATALOGUE on the Web, you can apply for registration by sending a message to Zdenek Buriva.


CSIS (Codification Support Information System) is the UK codification support software application providing a comprehensive and integrated solution for all Codification requirements.


This software was developed by HAVELSAN, a prominent technology company in Turkey, utilizing .NET technology. DOKU is a contemporary web-based codification software intended for use in the National Codification Bureau. It conforms seamlessly with the ACodP-1 regulations and procedures and is readily adaptable to the organizational configuration of the National Codification department. DOKU can be executed in either an internet or secure intranet environment. It is possible to offer access points for Armed Forces Logistics Units on a secure intranet environment and commercial contractors via the internet, if necessary.

For further information, please contact Mrs. Sevcan Köseer.

Government Off The Shelf (GOTS)

NATO Codification System software applications available from National Codification Bureaus for use by other nations


The National Codification Bureau of Bulgaria has got a codification tool named BULCOD they use in their own country and that they have also offered for use to other countries.

BULCOD incorporates a Win client for codifiers and a Web version for searching purposes only. The working platform of BULCOD is Oracle, the tool has got full NCS functionality, logical continuity and a friendly interface.

For more information about BULCOD, contact Mr. Peter Ivanov.


SICAD is a multilingual codification tool. It combines “Oracle” technology for databases data management with a “Microsoft.NET” user’s interface to create a “Logistics oriented tool”. Codification data quality and integrity is the cornerstone of SICAD. A new module “SICAD-EMPRESAS” enables access to SICAD ESP NCB via internet web portal for 29 codification certified companies in real time. It implements safety and security procedure for control user access also appropriate safeguards in spreading PRPY data. The module provides ability in managing companies’ transactions facilitating supplier codification.

SICAD is owned by Kingdom of Spain, commercialization shall be made exclusively by government to government deals via the Spanish MoD.

For further information contact the Spanish NCB.


SIAC is the Italian acronym for Centralized Automatic Identification System, the user-friendly web based Codification system of the Italian MOD. Based on the rules and procedures of the NCS, according to ACodP-1, supports all national and international Codification activities. The new version, SIAC v4, is actually based on Oracle technology.

For more information about SIAC, contact Italian NCB.


The Portuguese NCB developed a codification tool named SPCAT, acronym for Portuguese Codification System. The software was designed and developed by a Portuguese software company for the Portuguese NCB. In 2008, a major change was carried out and the Codification System was renamed as SPCAT II, after fully compliance test passed.

SPCAT II uses Portuguese language, but can be adapted to English language. Software allows differentiated access modes depending on the user profile level, Interfaces with other national logistics systems, automatic statistics reports, assignment of Temporary Numbers (for national use only), among other features. SPCAT II is fully compliant with NCS rules and continuously upgraded every time a new requirement is approved by the AC/135. Last update was XML for KHN, implemented after compliance tests, in Jan18.

The technical infrastructure supporting SPCAT II has been integrated in the MoD network with full web access. SPCAT II allows a layer of applications and services between the client users and the ORACLE Database.

SPCAT II is owned by MoD Portugal. For further information contact the Portuguese NCB.