Climate change, disinformation and cyber security are just a few challenges that we are facing. In an interconnected world, how can we work together to overcome those and create a secure future for all of us?

Over the past few months, NATO has been working with youth and young content creators across the Alliance to allow them to discover the role that NATO plays in protecting their future. Helping them go behind the scenes, meet the experts and discover what NATO does, the Alliance has been giving young people a voice in telling NATO's story in their own way.

Youth at the forefront:
follow their journey with NATO

NATO is opening up to young people as part of its #ProtectTheFuture campaign to demystify its role and how it works. The Alliance has taken content creators behind the scenes at defining moments for the Organization, such as NATO summits, and invited them to meet senior officials, including the Secretary General. Through digital story-telling and discovery-led content, their followers have the chance to experience these events first-hand and communicate and engage on issues relevant to the Alliance.

Sergio Hidalgo

"This trip has meant something deep for me. My followers are typing me privately they can't believe what I experienced."

Sergio Hidalgo, Spain

Never would have expected to play video games with a multilateral alliance. 10 year old me would be proud. It was an honor :D.

ZeRoyalViking (Twitch gamer)
Caroline Gleich

"I am so honored to have been invited and I learned a lot! I suppose the call to action I would take home from it is how lucky we are to be born in the USA or NATO countries because of the freedoms we have."

Caroline Gleich, United States

Ben Wheeler

"It was incredible, kind of felt fake tbh cause it was so movie-ish but I loved it."

Ben Wheeler, United States

Ingus Rutulis

"Seeing all the places was so awesome… a privilege… Getting to take photos in those places people see on TV, it's really engaging". "We will be talking about this all year."

Ingus Rutulis, Latvia

Sierra Quitiquit

"I was honoured with the invitation to visit NATO and learned with great joy that Climate Security is becoming a key agenda matter of NATO and their alliance countries."

Sierra Quitiquit, United States

Dr. Kulja András

"It's a great honor to be one of the few people to take part in NATO's Protect The Future campaign! I have already learned a lot about NATO, and in the next six months we will learn even more about cyber defense and the dangers of disinformation and climate change."

Dr. Kulja András, Hungary

Ellie Hurer

"Something to talk about for the rest of my life."

Ellie Hurer, United Kingdom

A You can stand under our umbrella: NATO unveils street mural in Lithuania

In the first days of 2024, Paulius Mikolaitis, a Lithuanian content creator and a YouTube star, together with his furry friend Sushi, went on a walk to explore a very special artwork located in Vilnius Old Town: a 'Protect the Future' mural. Created by the Lithuanian artist Žygimantas Amelinas in January 2024, the colourful artwork celebrates the Vilnius Summit held in the city in 2023 and presents a profound image of a peaceful, united and free future protected by NATO.

Do you also have a creative mind and want to leave your mark- or, in this case, a mural- at a permanent location in Washington D.C., where the 2024 NATO Summit will be held and NATO will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Alliance? Submit your work to the NATO mural competition – find out more about the opportunity here.

Watch the Reel » Read more about the competition »

Ready, set, play: players unite at NATO Gaming Tournament

The gaming tournament in Warsaw brought together young people from across the Alliance around a game of Party Animals and discussions on how to counter disinformation.

The event was co-hosted by Polish actor Maciej Musial and NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy Marie-Doha Besancenot, and on Twitch streams by different gaming talents such as GrabaGra and Seto from Poland and ZeRoyalViking and Mischascrossing from the United States. Reaching an estimated 20 million people, the tournament was also an opportunity to raise awareness about disinformation and provide tips from NATO experts on how to avoid being misled by disinformation on social media and in real life.

Read the article » Watch the full livestream »
You can follow their stories here:
gaming tournament

Land, sea and air: how does NATO protect its eastern flank?

In the summer of 2023, content creators discovered how NATO is keeping its one billion people safe during several military exercises. The USS Mount Whitney hosted influencers on board during its departure from Tallinn, as the command ship of #BALTOPS23. In the Polish seaside city of Gdansk, influencers witnessed amphibious landing drills. Finally, our creators saw for themselves the full power of the Lithuanian Air Force while flying over the Baltic States in a C-27J Spartan aircraft. Through exercises like Ramstein Alloy, Allied air forces can train together to safeguard NATO skies."

You can follow their stories here:

In the room where it happens: Participating in the NATO Summit in Vilnius

Content creators went behind the scenes of the 2023 NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, to meet Allied leaders, explore where the Heads of State and Government gather, and better understand how policies to protect the future of the Alliance are made.

You can follow their stories here:

A meet-and-greet: 2023 Protect the Future content creators at NATO HQ

If you were given the chance to ask NATO experts anything about the most pressing security issues, what would it be?

In May 2023, content creators from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland met NATO leaders and experts, including the Secretary General and the Latvian Prime Minister, as part of their visit to NATO Headquarters. The group put their questions to the specialists, who explained what the Alliance is doing to protect and defend its citizens. Over the coming months, the creators will be going behind the scenes at NATO to better understand how it operates. They will be sharing what they have learnt with their followers and explaining how the Alliance is working to Protect the Future.

You can follow their stories here:

NATO through the artists' eyes: Launch of NATO's first graphic novel

What are the issues and challenges we face and how can we tackle them together? Those are the questions that are answered in NATO's first graphic novel, which was launched in December 2022 as part of the #ProtectTheFuture campaign.

A unique collaboration of six young artists from Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States explores through original artwork how international cooperation can help us deal with the current challenges.

Read the graphic novel » Instagram reel »

NATO on-air: #ProtectTheFuture Podcast

Dive deeper and explore the big global and social challenges that affect our lives and influence our future. Join the podcast host Pilar Nalwimba and discover what NATO experts have to say about climate change, cyber security, disinformation and the global impacts of the Russian war against Ukraine.

Game on: NATO playing 'Among Us'

What is the role of cyber security in protecting our future? What are the current information threats? And how can we tackle disinformation?

Watch NATO's first-ever gaming event that brought together NATO information expert Robin El Kady and young influencers and gamers to talk cyber, countering disinformation and what it is like to work for NATO.

Watch on YouTube »

NATO's 'eyes in the sky': Taking part in an AWACS flight

What does it take to protect NATO's skies?

A group of content creators travelled to NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen in Germany to join the crew of AWACS – NATO's Boeing E-3A Airborne Warning & Control System aircraft, which provide air surveillance and support NATO's efforts in air policing, situational awareness and other tasks.

You can follow their stories here:

All aboard: Visit to the USS George H.W. Bush ship

Observing NATO exercise Neptune Strike 2022 on a US aircraft carrier in the Adriatic Sea? Steering the ship with more than 80 fighter jets and over 5,000 personnel on board?

That was the reality for the content creators in October 2022 when they visited the USS George H.W. Bush carrier to see what NATO does to protect the Euro-Atlantic area.

You can follow their stories here:

At the negotiating table: Participating in the NATO Summit in Madrid

Meeting Heads of State and Government, discussing current challenges and witnessing history in the making – that was the participation of young content creators in the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain.

You can follow their stories here:
Participating in NATO Summit in Madrid

How it began: Visit to NATO HQ

How does NATO protect its one billion citizens? And what does the Alliance do in various areas, such as cyber security and climate change?

In May 2022, content creators visited NATO HQ in Brussels, Belgium to meet the NATO Secretary General for an interactive Q&A session and discuss key challenges with NATO experts.

You can follow their stories here:

What is NATO?

A quick overview of NATO, its role, activities and members in various languages.

What is NATO?