3 Oct 2007

Information and Documentation Centre on NATO opens in Moldova

An Information and Documentation Centre on NATO was inaugurated on 3 October, at the Moldova State University in Chisinau.

Supported by Romania as the Contact Point Embassy for NATO and the Public Diplomacy Division of NATO, the centre will provide access to information on international security in general and NATO in particular.

Located at the main seat of the Moldova State University, the centre will serve as a source of information for students, scholars and the general public. Opening of an information centre is part of Moldova's Individual Partnership Action Plan with NATO for 2007.

The inauguration of the centre was attended by Moldova’s Minister of Defence H.E. Vitalie Vrabie, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy Dr. Stefanie Babst, Deputy Parliament speaker Iurie Rosca, Romanian ambassador Filip Teodorescu and members of the Chisinau based diplomatic corps.