Last update: 07-Dec-2004 19:08 NATO Update

7 Dec. 2004


Top Alliance officials attend Karzai inauguration

NATO in Afghanistan
NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer shaking hands with President Hamid Karzai, after their press conference at the Istanbul Summit on 29 June 2004

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and the Alliance’s top commanders travelled to Kabul on 7 December for the swearing in of Hamid Karzai as Afghanistan's first elected president.

“This is a very important day for Afghanistan,” said NATO Spokesman James Appathurai, “The Alliance is proud of having helped to make the election happen and looks forward to working with President Karzai, to play its important part in helping Afghanistan build a better, safer future.”

Helping to make history

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) assisted the Afghan authorities in providing security for the historic presidential poll in October, which Mr. Karzai won.

ISAF also assisted in providing security for the inauguration ceremony, which gathered 150 guests, including Afghan politicians and foreign dignitaries.

In his inaugural speech, Mr. Karzai paid tribute to the Afghan people, saying the October elections were a defeat for extremists.

He said however the fight against the remnants of the former Taleban regime was "not yet over", and called for continued international aid and co-operation to defeat increasing links between extremists and drug-trafficking.

A continuing commitment

Support for the stabilisation process in Afghanistan remains a top priority for NATO.

The Alliance is currently preparing to expand the operation to cover the West of the country and will provide security for the upcoming parliamentary elections.