Last update: 16-Jun-2004 18:50 NATO Update

14 June 2004

Annual live-flying exercise

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14 June 2004 - IMS
Exercise Clean Hunter 2004 (CN 04)
Exercise Clean Hunter, NATO’s major annual live-flying exercise, is taking place in Northern Europe, 14-25 June.

It is focusing on coordinated, allied air operations over areas extending from mid-France to Denmark and from the United Kingdom to mid-Poland and is designed to promote training opportunities for all 13 participating NATO member countries.

The exercise is being conducted by Headquarters Allied Air Forces North, Ramstein, Germany, through its Combined Air Operations Centres (CAOCS). One of its aims is to maximise interaction between opposing forces and to exercise HQ AIRNORTH and its subordinate CAOCS in the planning and conduct of major coordinated live air operations. It is being run concurrently with and is linked to other land and sea exercises, allowing for joint planning and operations to be practised.