Updated: 26-Mar-2003 March 2003

24 Mar. 2003


Ukraine finalises 2003 Target Plan

Following the completion of internal approval procedures, Ukraine's Annual Target Plan for 2003 was published on 24 March.

The Annual Target Plan sets out specific Ukrainian measures as well as joint NATO-Ukraine actions to be pursued in support of the implementation of objectives defined in the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan. The NATO-Ukraine Action Plan was approved by the NATO Ukraine Commission (NUC) at its meeting at the level of foreign ministers in Prague on 22 November 2002.

The NATO-Ukraine Action Plan provides a framework for intensified consultations and cooperation on political, economic, military and defence matters. Building on the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which remains the basic foundation of relations, its purpose is to clearly identify Ukraine's strategic objectives and priorities in pursuit of its aspirations to full integration into Euro-Atlantic security structures, and to provide a strategic framework for existing and future NATO-Ukraine cooperation. It sets out jointly agreed principles and objectives, covering political and economic issues, information issues, security, defence and military issues, information protection and security, and legal issues.

Assessment meetings will take place twice a year and a progress report will be prepared annually to enable the NUC to review progress in achieving the objectives of the Action Plan. This process also reviews the implementation of joint NATO-Ukraine activities and those activities Ukraine has undertaken on its own in the Annual Target Plan.

Additional information:

  • Official texts: NATO-Ukraine 2003 Target Plan in the Framework of the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan (.PDF/992 KB)
  • Background: NATO-Ukraine cooperation
  • Update: NATO-Ukraine Action Plan adopted at Prague, 22 November 2002