Updated: 28-Feb-2003 February 2003

19 Feb. 2003


Lord Robertson visits United States

The NATO Secretary General travelled to Washington D.C. from 19 to 20 February to receive the Transatlantic Leadership Award from the European Institute and to meet with top US officials.

During his visit, Lord Robertson gave a speech at the European Institute on the topic of building transatlantic consensus, including remarks on the recent discussions over approving of defensive measures for Turkey.

Seventeen months ago, on September 12, 2001, NATO stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States when it was under attack. This week, we stand by another Ally under threat. That is what this great transatlantic Alliance is all about,” Lord Robertson said.

The Secretary General also met for talks with President George Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice. The topics discussed included NATO’s deployment of defensive measures to protect Turkey.

The European Institute is a Washington-based public-policy organisation devoted to transatlantic affairs. Initiated in 1994, the Transatlantic Leadership Award recognises one European leader or one American leader who have demonstrated a commitment to the renewal of the transatlantic relationship.

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