Updated: 22-Jan-2003 January 2003

15 Jan. 2003


Workshop on Bio-terrorism preparedness in Central and Eastern Europe

A NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Preparedness against bio-terrorism and re-emerging infectious diseases - regional capabilities, needs and expectations in Central and Eastern European countries" was held in Warsaw from 15-18 January.

The objective of the workshop was to provide countries in which a bio-defence system is currently under development with the experience of those that are more advanced in this area and/or which have already been exposed to bio-terrorist attacks. It also helped to increase awareness of the problem at the political level in the region, consolidated the community of experts and reinforced connections with NATO and other international organisations in this particular area.

The workshop was organised by the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland, in cooperation with the Cantacuzzino Institute of Bucharest, Romania. The agenda covered the most important structural and organisational elements of a country's bio-defence system, including real-time epidemiological surveillance; contemporary and future methodologies in biological warfare detection; biological response infrastructure and response teams; and training and education. A number of issues which are not often dealt with were also addressed, such as multiple agent attacks and modes of transmission; or multiple drug resistance and biological weapons (BW) agent genetic engineering.

Additional information:

  • Website of the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
  • Workshop on Preparedness against Bioterrorism and re-emerging infectious diseases in Central and Eastern European countries.