Updated: 15-Jan-2003 January 2003

15 Jan. 2003


Exercise Rapid Guardian 2003

From 15 January to 15 February, Reserve forces are putting into practice a new operational concept that will enable them to deploy more rapidly and deal with any military contingency in Kosovo and the region.

The Operational Rehearsal, Rapid Guardian 2003 (RG 03) is taking place in Kosovo and involves a newly organised pool of forces committed by NATO and Partnership for Peace countries. These forces, which comprise Operational Reserve Forces (ORF) and Strategic Reserve Forces (SRF), are dedicated to the Balkans.

RG 03 is one of a continuing series of training events to ensure that units assigned to the SRF and other Reserve Forces designated for operations in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, are ready for action at any time in the KFOR area of responsibility. KFOR is also participating in the exercise to demonstrate its commitment and improve its ability to conduct cross-sector combined operations.

The exercise comprises sea, air and land operations and demonstrates NATO's resolve and capability to maintain stability in the Balkans. It is directed by the Commander of KFOR and coordinated by the Joint Force Commander within the NATO HQ responsible for the Balkans Operations (CINSOUTH). Both are under the supervision of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).