Updated: 17-Oct-2002 October 2002

3 Oct. 2002


Examining NATO-Ukraine relations

NATO-Ukraine relations were the focus of two seminars organised in the Crimea on 3 and 4 October by Ukrainian NGOs and co-sponsored by NATO's Information and Documentation Centre in Kyiv.

The first, in Simferopol on 3 October, was organised by the "Europe XXI Foundation" and focused on "NATO-Ukraine Relations before the Prague Summit: New Security Perspectives" with 40 Crimean journalists taking part. The seminar, which included Ukrainian and NATO experts, examined the prospects of further developing NATO's distinctive partnership with Ukraine after the Prague Summit.

A second seminar in Sevastopol on 4 October examined "Ukraine's Role in European Security: New Challenges" Ukrainian experts, NATO representatives and NATO Ambassadors to Ukraine participated in the event and had the opportunity to exchange views and discuss NATO-Ukraine relations with local officials, journalists and academics. The event was organised by the NGO "Ukraine with Europe Association".

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