Updated: 26-Jun-2002 Week of 17-23 June 2002

21 June 2002

Meeting of disarmament experts
at NATO Headquarters

Disarmament experts from NATO and Partner countries held a meeting on 21 June to review developments and discuss work underway in the area of non-proliferation. The aim of the meeting was to give the opportunity to national experts from NATO's Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) member countries (the EAPC includes 19 NATO member and 27 Partner countries) to exchange views and reach a better understanding of national positions on disarmament.

Themes covered included outer space arms control, nuclear non-proliferation, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, means of countering the proliferation of biological weapons and new steps to support the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. This was the first meeting on disarmament to which Partner countries were invited to participate, as a follow-up to the implementation of NATO's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Initiative.

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