Updated: 29-May-2002 Week of 27 May - 2 June 2002

27 May 2002

Spring Council meeting of the ATA at NATO HQ

Atlantic Treaty Associations (ATA) from NATO and Partner countries held their Spring Council meeting at NATO HQ on 27-28 May. The first day was dedicated to internal matters, covering issues such as planning for the upcoming ATA Annual Assembly meeting in Istanbul, general business and the organisation of specific events such as a seminar on education to be held in Denmark this November. On the second day, ATA representatives were briefed on current issues by General Joseph Ralston, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), as well as by other NATO officials, covering policy issues and discussions on the future of the Alliance.

The ATA Council meets twice a year. It is an educational foundation that represents national Atlantic Treaty Associations and Committees from NATO and Partner countries. The ATAs are voluntary organisations which support the work of the Alliance by promoting information on NATO activities and objectives among public opinion in their respective countries.

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