Updated: 05-Apr-2002 Week of 18-24 March 2002

18 Mar. 2002

NATO course with Partners in Oberammergau

Protecting populations against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats, as well as experience gained in Kosovo, were just some of the issues discussed at a Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) and Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) course held at the NATO School (SHAPE) in Oberammergau, Germany, 18-22 March.

Eighty-six participants from 17 NATO and 14 Partner countries, as well as one Mediterranean Dialogue country (Egypt) attended this course, which also examined other issues specifically related to CEP and CIMIC topics. Presentations were given on NATO, CEP and CIMIC, three sessions of group work were organised and two countries (Switzerland and the United Kingdom) and two international organisations (the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) presented their views on civil emergency planning and cooperation with military forces.

This course is part of NATO's Partnership Work Programme for 2002-2003. A second CEP/CIMIC course is scheduled for November 2002 and two regional CEP/CIMIC courses will also take place this year, in Slovenia and Turkmenistan.

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