Updated: 13-Mar-2002 Week of 4-10 March 2002

7 Mar. 2002

Lessons from the Cold War

The Dutch Group of the Liberal International invited Lord Robertson to give a speech at its meeting in The Hague, The Netherlands on 7 March. This group, which brings together Liberal parties in Europe, had also invited Dutch government officials such as the Foreign Minister, Jozias van Aartsen.

The Secretary General spoke about "NATO and the challenge of terrorism: reflections on the way forward". In his speech, he underlined the difficulties of adapting to new situations, drawing on the experience of the Cold War: "The Cold War is dead and gone. But the lessons it offers should not be forgotten: to remain united, to stick to our values, and to maintain the military means to defend these values -- these lessons are timeless".

Additional information:
  • "NATO And The Challenge Of Terrorism: Reflections On The Way Forward" - Speech by NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson at The Dutch Group Of Liberal International at The Hague, The Netherlands