Updated: 31-Oct-2001 Week of 22 - 28 Octobre 2001

28 Oct. 2001

Examining the impact of munitions on populations and the environment

A workshop held in Portugal from 28 to 30 October brought together some 30 experts from 11 countries to study the scientific and technological aspects of protecting populations and the environment from the adverse effects of munitions.

The impact of munitions on the environment stems not only from their use in military operations. The production, transportation, storage, recycling and ultimate destruction of munitions must also be taken into account in studies on ways of reducing their harmful effects. This workshop examined in particular the reaction of munitions and their energetic components at the end of their lifetime, when they are stockpiled and prone to deterioration.

Supported by the NATO Science Programme and organised by Portuguese and Romanian National Defence experts, the workshop's participants came from both NATO and Partner countries, including a large contingent from Russia.