Updated: 03-Oct-2001 Week of 1-7 October 2001

2 Oct. 2001

President Kwasniewski at NATO HQ

The President of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, met with Lord Robertson on 2 October, the day NATO took the historic decision to fully invoke Article 5 of the Washington Treaty in response to the terrorist attacks against the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, 11 September.

Poland strongly conveyed its will to contribute to NATO efforts in fighting terrorism and declared that it would also increase the involvement of its troops in the Balkans. In addition, the President underlined Poland's intention to pursue its "solid and active" participation in NATO, regardless of the outcome of the current negotiations to form a coalition government led by the Democratic Left Alliance, the largest opposition party which just fell short of a majority vote after the elections of 23 September. They also discussed defence reform and the six-year modernisation plan of the Polish armed forces initiated in 1999, the year of Poland's accession to NATO. The plan aims to restructure and reorganise Polish forces in line with NATO's new missions.

Additional information:
  • Pictures of the visit to NATO by the President of Poland, Mr. Aleksander Kwasniewski
  • Audio file of the Press Point by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, and the President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Aleksander Kwasniewski (.MP3/2.772Kb)