Updated: 20-Sep-2001 Week of 17-23 September 2001

19-21 Sep 2001

Discussing the future evolution of NATO

High-level policy-makers are meeting in Berlin, 19-21 September 2001, for the 14th NATO Review conference on the future of the Alliance. Established in 1989, these conferences are an opportunity to discuss the evolution of NATO in light of recent international developments and changes in the security environment.

On this occasion, discussions will centre around the terrorist attacks perpetrated against the United States, 11 September, the situation in the Balkans and more generally, security in South East Europe, NATO-EU relations and the development of the European Security and Defence Identity (ESDI), defence and deterrence, as well as one of the main subjects on the 2002 Summit agenda: the issue of enlargement.

NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, is attending the conference and will hold bilateral meetings with Chancellor Schröder, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fischer, and the leadership of the parliamentary groups of the CDU/CSU and the SPD. In addition to the issues raised during the conference, they will discuss the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1) and the reform of the Bundeswehr.

  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.