Updated: 02-Aug-2001 Week of 2-8 April 2001

2 Apr. 2001

SHAPE commemorates its 50th anniversary

The Supreme Allied Command Europe (SHAPE) in Casteau, near Mons, marked its 50th anniversary in a commemoration ceremony organised on 2 April. The ceremony was held in the Commemoration Garden of the headquarters and was presided by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Ralston. In their speeches, both paid a tribute to the personnel that had served and are still serving SHAPE today and emphasised how the headquarter's role had changed in scope and complexity over the past five decades.

SHAPE is one of the Alliance's two strategic commands. It was established in 1951 under the command of US General Dwight Eisenhower. The Supreme Allied Command Atlantic (SACLANT), the second of NATO's strategic commands, was established a year later in 1952 under the command of Admiral Lynde McCormick.