Updated: 22-Nov-2001 Week of 25-31 October 2000

26 Oct. 2000
Lord Robertson in Switzerland
On 26 October, Lord Robertson travelled to one of NATO's 26 members of Partnership for Peace, Switzerland, which is currently preparing for a controversial referendum proposing the reduction of its defence expenditure by 50% over a period of ten years. The referendum will be held on 26 November.

During his visit, Lord Robertson met with the President of the Swiss Confederation and Minister of Defence, Adolf Ogi, and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Deiss. He also participated in a symposium on "Security through Cooperation".

28 Oct. 2000
Municipal elections in Kosovo
Final arrangements are in place for the municipal elections which will be held in Kosovo on 28 October, the first since last year's crisis. Preliminary results are expected by 1-2 November, and it is planned to present the final results and seat allocations to Bernard Kouchner, the Special Representative for Kosovo of the UN Secretary-General , for certification by 6 November.

KFOR has worked in close co-ordination with the OSCE and UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) on election planning and preparation and additional forces have been deployed so as to ensure that KFOR continues to provide a secure environment during the election period. Voting, in fact, began on 10 October under the special needs programme set up by the UNMIK. This programme was put into place for voters who could not register (i.e., those homebound by disability) and those who registered but could not vote on polling day (i.e., local police, hospital staff, etc).

30 Oct. 2000
NATO's new Publications Centre

Lord Robertson officially opens NATO's new Publications Centre situated within the HQ in Brussels, 30 October. The Centre offers access to NATO publications to visitors and members of staff. For those who are not on the premises, publications can be ordered via the internet, by phone (32 2 707 50 09), fax (32-2-707 12 52) or e-mail (distribution@hq.nato.int).

Additional information:

  • High resolution photos of the official opening of the NATO Publications Centre by Secretary General Lord Robertson
30 Oct. 2000
Statement by Lord Robertson on the successful holding of local elections in Kosovo on 28 October. The OSCE declares Ibrahim Rugova, leader of the
Democratic League of Kosovo, winner of municipal elections.
31 Oct. 2000
Annual Assembly of the ATA in Budapest
For the first time since Hungary became a member of NATO, the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) held its general assembly in Budapest, from 31 October to 3 November. The ATA brings together voluntary organisations from NATO (ATA members) and partner countries (ATA associate members) to promote the objectives of the Alliance by informing the public, conducting research and developing cooperation.

On this occasion, senior government and parliamentary officials, high-level civilian and military representatives from NATO and from the private sector, as well as academics and ATA members discussed the evolution of partnership in the Euro-Atlantic area, its defence and economic implications and the role of education in explaining democratic values and encouraging integration. Lord Robertson was also invited to give a speech. He focused on partnership within NATO and its need to be as broad and inclusive as possible, flexible, targeted, practical, deep and fair.

After his participation in the ATA assembly, Lord Robertson met with the President of Hungary, the Prime Minister and other high-level government officials.

Additional information: