Updated: 22-Nov-2001 Week of 10-16 November 1999

10 Nov. 1999
Kosovo update

KFOR continues its security mission in Kosovo. The Multi-National Brigades (MNBs) provide escorts to minorities on a daily basis to ensure their safety when moving from village to village or while enroute to work. For example, MNB (North) transported approximately 25 Serbs from Zvecan to Kosovo Polje since they were unable to go by train. Additionally, KFOR continues to provide security during the movement of humanitarian aid as well as other key supplies. For example, MNB (East) escorted a fuel tanker to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1) to obtain fuel for a farming cooperative in Vitina. A total of six trips were made delivering this scarce but critical resource to the community.

1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.

10 Nov. 1999
Advanced cooperation between EAPC members

Two major points: political and security related issues in Kosovo and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) activities, were discussed among the 44 members -19 NATO member countries and 25 partner countries- of the EAPC, on 10 November.

An "Action Plan" for 2000-2002 was also approved, determining a two-year programme for short-term and longer-term cooperation between NATO and non-NATO EAPC members in fields such as civil emergency planning, defence planning and budgeting, crisis management and many other areas. Action Plans were first introduced in 1997.

11 Nov.1999
The NATO PA in Amsterdam

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the parliamentary wing of the Alliance whose role is to support and advance the NATO agenda, held its bi-annual plenary session in Amsterdam, 11-15 November. It made a number of recommendations to NATO's highest decision-making body -the North Atlantic Council- and to member governments on relations with Russia, Chechnya, the reconstruction of Kosovo, economic recovery in South-east Europe, biological weapons and other current issues.

NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, who was visiting the Netherlands on 15 November gave a speech at the NATO PA plenary session before meeting with Prime Minister, Wim Kok, as part of his tour of NATO member countries.

Additional information:

16 Nov. 1999
NATO-Russia meeting
NATO and Russian representatives met at NATO HQ, 16 November, to discuss the situation in Kosovo and Russia's participation in the NATO-led peacekeeping force, KFOR. This NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council meeting follows up on the previous one held at the end of October.