Updated: 14-Sep-2006 NATO Speeches


14 Sept. 2006

Opening remarks

by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at ambassadorial level

14/09/06 - NATO Photos
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14/09/06 - NATO Photos
Opening statements by the NATO Secretary General and the Ukrainian Prime Minister

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the NATO-Ukraine Commission.

Prime Minister Yanukovych, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your delegation to NATO Headquarters this morning.

Let me begin by underscoring the importance of the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership, for the states represented around this table, for the Euro-Atlantic community and beyond.

In helping the Alliance carry out its mission in Afghanistan, in working with us in the international struggle against terrorism, in contributing forces to NATO-led peace support operations in the Balkans and the NATO Training Mission in Iraq, Ukraine has demonstrated time and again her capacity to serve as a leading exporter of security. Allies recognise and appreciate this.

But Ukraine has done more than cooperate with the North Atlantic Alliance to promote external security. It has used the tools of the Distinctive Partnership to benefit from Allies’ experience and expertise, and to advance the aspirations of the Ukrainian people to build a modern, democratic state, supported by capable, accountable defence and security institutions.

In the framework of the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan and, since April of last year, the Intensified Dialogue on Ukraine’s membership aspirations and relevant reforms, NATO and Ukraine have agreed to joint principles and objectives in the political, economic, military, security and defence spheres. We have agreed to take concrete steps toward the achievement of these objectives.

Six months ago, Ukraine marked an important milestone toward meeting these ambitious objectives, electing a new parliament in free and fair elections that demonstrated a firm commitment to the values that underpin both the North Atlantic Alliance and the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership. As the Head of Government chosen by that parliament, we look forward to learning more about your plans for taking forward Ukraine's reform efforts and further developing NATO-Ukraine cooperation.

Let me assure you, Mr Prime Minister, that the Alliance stands ready to support you where we can.

With this, ladies and gentlemen, I give the floor to Prime Minister Yanukovych.

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