Updated: 15-May-2002 NATO Speeches

15 May 2002


by His Excellency Dr. Vilayat Guliyev,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
at the EAPC Ministerial Meeting

Dear Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rapidly changing security environment after September 11 and expected post-Prague radical transformation within Alliance membership are the most challenging issues to be encountered by EAPC and PFP, although the indicated challenges might affect partners in a different way. Nowadays EAPC and PfP operate in a specific security environment and need to remain relevant to the security interests of NATO and its Partners as well.

September 11 attacks and their aftermath unveiled the common vulnerability to terrorism, to the new risks and threats as well as new opportunities for common response in a large coalition endeavor, underlining the growing security interdependence between NATO and Partner Nations- EAPC and PFP could play very distinctive role in this regard, contributing new global dimension to NATO capabilities and power-projection for common security and defense.

So far PFP program has proved to be very successful in developing mechanisms for defence cooperation and military interoperability within Euro-Atlantic area, promoting security cooperation culture between NATO and Partner Nations. Most importantly PFP has developed practical tools allowing NATO and Partner nations to engage in joint crisis management and civil emergency operations.

On the other hand successful development of PFP mechanisms hasn't been complemented with the similar progress in the political-military sphere at EAPC. Many mechanisms inherent in the EAPC Basic document designed for tailoring focused NATO-partner relationship in different formats (such as NATO+1 and NATO+n) have not been fully explored for addressing particular security needs of individual partners.


Differing interests and security problems existing in various EAPC areas challenge the basic fabric of EAPC and PFP program, making difficult for NATO to maintain the equal levels and similar spheres of cooperation for different partners. Currently some partner-nations indicated strong intention to update and adapt partnership to more close and focused interaction with NATO, having been capable to make important contributions especially in the sphere of multinational operations and peacekeeping. They would also like to develop new complementarities with EU in the area of Peace Support Operations.

On the other hand many Partner Nations, especially in Caucasus and Central Asia, still need much of various security support and common activities before becoming interoperable and active potential contributors- Meanwhile they have already demonstrated their readiness to contribute with their available assets and facilities to pursue the common goals and tasks, including combating terrorism and other emerging asymmetric threats and challenges. NATO should be ready to substantially enhance its cooperation with this group of partners, paying particular attention to developing of its early warning, crisis assessment and management capabilities.

In our understanding development of variable or flexible geometry formats to address differing interests and concerns of partners should mostly imply developing of functional, substance driven interaction between NATO and partner nations rather than regional. This transformation should not in any way undermine the purpose of building of common security cooperation structure within the whole Euro-Atlantic area-It is a demand of nowadays that EAPC and PFP mechanisms should be more responsive to security concerns and interests of those partners who have a political will and readiness to develop security and defense cooperation with NATO in specified areas. Azerbaijan as a Partner Nation is willing to develop integrated and comprehensive framework for bilateral 19+1 cooperation with NATO with set out objectives, which could facilitate focused cooperation on security policy and common defense.

To reach above-mentioned goals NATO should develop new, more comprehensive awareness about security problems of Partner nations, especially those situated in the sensitive areas, at the forefront of combating international terrorist and criminal activities and threats. We deem it very important to establish NATO Information Offices in those partner nations to facilitate bilateral information exchange.

Another important area within EAPC to be further explored for adaptation to new realities provides for increased decision-making opportunities for partners relating to activities in which they participate. Political-Military Framework for NATO-led Peace Support Operations and crisis management is just the first, very important though, step in this direction.

Fully supporting the proposed new areas for application of PMF model suggested by some partner Nations, we would like to suggest to extend this decision shaping model also to those situations when partner nation or group of partners play an important functional role in fulfillment of specific NATO tasks, which affect security and stability of the whole Euro-Atlantic area.

The main idea behind our approach to the EAPC is that it should be an effective flexible instrument to deal with security challenges encountered by NATO and Partner Nations to be addressed in a task oriented manner through the PFP tools and capabilities, and to provide a diversified functional consultations framework for timely assessment of specific concerns of partners and taking appropriate measures to respond them.

We would also like to indicate our full support for IS proposals to streamline the current setting of EAPC and PFP aimed at reducing bureaucratic structures and procedures, including the merging of IPP and PARP, PWP and EAPC action plan, organizing annually one but more prepared and substance driven Ministerial.

Thank you.

EAPC's role in the international light against terrorism

The key to successful eradication of terrorism is the solidarity of international community against violations of international law, respect for borders and sovereignty of States, settlement of conflicts, disbandment of illegal armed groupings and destruction of their weaponry, restoration of rule of law in the zones of conflicts, return of all displaced population to their homes. Lack of timely and adequate reaction to the constant violations of international law and practices of double standards, aggression, occupation and ethnic cleansing - all mentioned - create a fertile ground for terrorist activity.

It is only after September 11 that the world started speaking loudly on the threat of international terrorism. However, Azerbaijani people faced and are currently facing all horrors of terrorism starting late 1987. Between 1987 and 1995 Armenian terrorists have prepared and perpetrated more than 30 terrorist acts against civilian population of Azerbaijan, as a result of which more than 2 000 persons were killed, thousands innocent people were injured, great material damaged was caused.

Realizing its annexation plans, Armenia, which has territorial claims for the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, resorts to sponsoring separatism and to use of capabilities of its special services in organization of terrorist acts. It is by the perpetration of terrorist acts that the separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and Armenia, sponsoring them, have started realization of their plans of tearing the region away from Azerbaijan.

The cohesion and solidarity of States are absolutely necessary for successful achievement of common goals in fighting terrorism and eliminating its sources. We can clearly watch that in the regions, where the States do fully and unconditionally respect each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders and unequivocally refrain from use of force and terrorism cooperation between States yields substantial results.

EAPC and PPP have a substantial potential for cooperation in combating terrorism. Besides broad possibilities for security consultations and risk assessments EAPC and PFP have a specific advantage in building common mechanisms for establishment of interaction between military and civilian bodies on internal and external aspects of fighting terrorism. In addition to the traditional focus on the armed forces, PFP and EAPC could provide relevant support and mechanisms for strengthening cooperation between military and non military agencies and forces, information exchange and coordination among NATO and Partner national security agencies on specific issues including border controls, asymmetrical threats such as cyber warfare, development of specialized forces and operations, military infrastructure protection, non proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and illegal migration.

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