Updated: 22-Feb-2002 NATO Speeches

22 Feb. 2002

Opening Statement

by Mr Andrzej Towpik,
Under-Secretary of State
in the Ministry of National Defence , Poland
at the Seminar on The role of the EAPC in combating terrorism

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Honoured Guests,

The first step to deal with a threat is to recognise one's own vulnerability. The events of September 11th clearly pointed out to the Euro-Atlantic community where the threats lie and what, unfortunately, we may expect of the future.
Each and every one of us had to face it in its own way. Each and every of us realised that this type of threat cannot be fought all alone. Thus we recognised our vulnerability and the time has come to approach it in an efficient and co-ordinated way. In a way giving us the widest possible margin to rid of the problem at the same time adhering to the values all of us share: democracy, rule of law and human rights.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are not here to debate 'whether', but 'how' EAPC and Partnership in general can bear on successfully defeating terror. The key point is to remember that as those, who make difference, we should concentrate on what added value we can give.

First, we must concentrate on our comparative advantages. We should think here of both obvious and not so obvious things, like the fact that we need not hide our co-operation.

Second, we must not think of the issue of terrorism as a new subject introduced to the EAPC workings. We should rather consider it as a factor that influences, currently, everything we do. So if we discuss the exchange of information, we should not discuss it as exchange of information on issues related to terrorism, but as EAPC co-operation in the area of information exchange with stress put on terrorism-fighting aspect. The same refers to WMD related threats and to the civil emergency planning.

Third, we must remember, that considering the nature of the asymmetric threat we face, we must stop thinking as either military or civilians. We should approach each problem having in mind, that what we possess is both civilian and military capabilities, which when combined are much more than just the sum of the possessed assets.

Honoured Guests,

We are about to start two days of hard work. For this possibility, to work in this assorted forum, we are greatly indebted to our Finnish and Swedish friends who some time ago decided that the potential that lies hidden in the EAPC co-operation needs be brought to the fore. I hope, that when the closing remarks will be given tomorrow in the evening, it will be possible for us to say that our effort was not wasted, and that soon in the coming days the EAPC forum will gain new life and will be busting with activity aimed to provide what all of us need most. Security, security and security.

And now let me give the floor to Mr. A.D.Rotfeld.

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