H.E. MR. Rustam Tukhtabaev
Deputy Minister of foreign affairs of the
Republic of Uzbekistan
at the EAPC Foreign Ministers Meeting
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
As it was stated by many colleges today, the world changed after the
tragic events in the United States in September. Undoubtedly, these events
became an objective reality which has induced the world society to make
a critical estimation of the current situation which earnestly demonstrates
necessity to develop common positions in the field of fight against international
The main conclusion which has been done by the world society and is related
to the barbarous terrorist acts is that security is indivisible.
Following this basic principle and taking into account the situation
in the world, Uzbekistan is ready "to go to its end" in the
fight against terrorism as a global problem. As an initiator of a number
of suggestions on establishment of a collective counteraction to international
terrorism, our country is actively cooperating with the antiterrorist
The last events identically prove that the world community does not have
more dangerous and guileful enemy than terrorism. We consider antiterrorist
operation in Afghanistan, first of all, as a measure to abolish terrorists'
bases and camps in this country, to root out conditions for terrorist
We are deeply convinced that it is possible to eliminate this evil only
by common coordinated efforts of the whole humankind. In this conditions
it is extremely important that international coalition aims at hard-edged
fight against terrorism and carries it to its logic conclusion.
When we speak on organization of the international fight against terrorism
we should not forget about another threat which is not less dangerous
- narco-business and drug trafficking which provide basic financial support
to the terrorist and extremist groups activity.
For the last years the states of Central Asia have faced with wide-ranging
aggression from international drug syndicates. Its is absolutely obvious
that no one single country alone without wide international cooperation
can count on success in the fight against drug trafficking and illegal
drug trade.
On our view, the basis of such a cooperation should be mechanisms maximum
approached to the current situation i.e. they should be able in proper
time not only counteract existing drug traffic hearths but also prevent
their occurrence.
Speaking about urgency of strengthening of international fight against
transnational threats and challenges, Uzbekistan wants to attract attention
of world community to the importance of the process of non-proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction in Central Asia which is extremely important
to secure stability in the region.
Dear Chairman,
On 21 December 2001 Uzbekistan celebrates 10 Anniversary of joining to
EAPC. In this regard, I would like to express gratitude to the NATO leadership
and member countries for the assistance they have provided to partner
countries as a whole and to Uzbekistan, in particular.
In its part, our country actively participates in the NATO activities
organized in the framework of Partnership Work Program. In accordance
with the Individual Partnership Program, in 2001 representatives of the
Ministry of Defense, other Ministries and Institutions of Uzbekistan participated
in PfP activities, in dozens workshops, meetings, conferences and other
activities in the framework of EAPC.
Contacts with NATO have got further development. Uzbek side initiated
to organize in May 2001 in Tashkent the NATO seminar "Intellectual
Property in Transition Economy".
Uzbekistan has declared its intention to participate in 147 NATO activities
in 2002 from which 9 events are exercises.
Actual directions of cooperation still remain as follows: political cooperation
in the framework of EAPC; strengthening and broadening of participation
in PfP; training and education of our military specialists; issues of
civil emergency planning; development of scientific and technical links
in the framework of the NATO "Science for Peace" program, and
increasing effectiveness in realization of language and professional training.
Active participation in EAPC is one of the important priorities of our
foreign policy directed to the strengthening the sovereignty of our country
and fully corresponds to our national interests.
Thank you for attention.