Updated: 14-May-2002 NATO Speeches

Meeting of the
15 Dec. 2000


by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Slovenia, H.E. Dr Dimitrij Rupel

Secretary General, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

it is a pleasure for me to join you today for this Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in the Foreign Ministers session.

To begin with, I would like to reassure you that the membership in the Alliance continues to be at the top of the agenda of Prime Minister Dr. Drnovšek's newly elected government in Slovenia.

In this respect we welcome the recent resolution of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly calling upon the North Atlantic Council to issue invitations for NATO accession negotiations to qualified aspirants at the next NATO summit. You may rest assured that Slovenia will do its utmost to remain at the top of the list of the qualified aspirants.

A clear evidence of our credibility as a future NATO member country, is the Slovenian second Annual National Programme for the implementation of the Membership Action Plan, which was successfully discussed with the Allies in October. Given the fact that we are expecting a steady and continuing economic growth, we are even more confident that we can follow our programme and commitments.

Especially through its role of an active player, contributor and promoter of security, stability, peace and democracy in South - East Europe Slovenia has demonstrated that it is willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of the membership.

Secretary General, we firmly believe that the beginning of the democratization process in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has enabled all countries in the region to return to a path of peace and regional and bilateral cooperation.

The modern understanding of security is indisputably affiliated with the concept of the regional cooperation. This is why the regional policy has to be the vital element of the security policy of any state. Security is not the sole responsibility of single states, assured by their military power. Security is a collective responsibility. And in such circumstances the importance of regional dimension of security policy of each state becomes crucial and the actual geopolitical position of the states gains in importance. Slovenia's geopolitical position is significantly determining its security policy.

Slovenia has actively participated in the process of stabilization and normalization of relations in the region. As a stable democracy and a successful economy, Slovenia contributes to the stability of the region and plays an active part in numerous regional initiatives such as the Stability Pact, the Quadrilateral, the Central European Initiative, the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative and NATO's South - East European Initiative.

As an active outward oriented country Slovenia is participating in numerous projects of the Stability Pact in the field of democratization and human rights, economic reconstruction and development and demining. Slovenia is also one of the largest investors in the region, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, where we have contributed to the creation of several thousands jobs. It is necessary to stress that membership in Partnership for Peace is an important guaranty for the security of the region. We contribute our forces to the KFOR - with 6 officers, the SFOR - with a helicopter unit, a military police platoon and a medical unit, and to UNMIK with 15 police officers. Slovenia has a great opportunity to share its knowledge, experience and cooperation in all these areas and is more than ready to do this also in the framework of the Partnership for Peace.

It has always been in the interest of Slovenia that the area of stability be expanded as far as possible towards the south - east. That is why we are convinced that the regional cooperation plays a crucial role for the security environment of South - East Europe. Slovenia therefore devotes great attention to the relations with the neighboring countries and is actively participating in efforts undertaken by the international community to ensure security and promote confidence in the region.

Last Saturday Slovenia established diplomatic relations with the FRY, which will improve (reestablish) cooperation between the states.

May I use this opportunity to propose the re-activation of the Consultative Forum on South East Europe launched at the Washington Summit and invite the FRY to participate. We believe it is an appropriate vehicle to start security consultations with this new state.

I would like to close by underlining the great importance of the EAPC. This forum contributes substantially to the stability and security in the region. The EAPC is also understood as one of the conflict prevention tools, being a framework for dialogue and consultation, thereby enhancing transparency and building confidence. It is also a flexible tool as we have already had meetings in SFOR/KFOR and PARP format. I believe that this flexibility will also allow us to meet, when necessary, perhaps in a 19 + 9 format, when themes, such as the enlargement, could be discussed by the most interested parties.

You will remember that we have already proposed to host an EAPC Ministerial meeting in Slovenia. We have also extended an invitation to the North Atlantic Council to visit Slovenia. In this vein, may I use this opportunity to express Slovenia's interest to host the/a major conference planned for 2001 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of NACC/EAPC. I believe it would be of great importance that such a conference is held in a Partner and an active aspirant country.

Thank you.

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