Updated: 14-May-2002 NATO Speeches

6 Dec. 2000


by Mr. Ljuben Paunoski, the Minister of Defence of
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(*)

Secretary General, Ladies and Gentlemen,

1. Republic of Macedonia's Commitment

Allow me once again to present the firm political determination of the Republic of Macedonia for a NATO and EU membership. The Republic of Macedonia has already achieved great practical results and it seriously prepares itself to participate in NATO led operations.

The new defence law is in a procedure in the Parliament and we are going to conclude all the structural reforms by year 2002.

2. The situation in the region

The situation in the region shows progress but the final solutions will not come right away. NATO must remain in the Balkans. But unfortunately the latest developments in the Presevo Valley and Bujanovac pose a threat to the peace and the economy in the region.

3. Republic of Macedonia's suggestion

Apart from KFOR and the international civil structure and their commitment to the citizens in the region we believe that the political leaders in Kosovo should also take on the responsibility for leading the people.

4- What are the specific contributions of the Republic of Macedonia

NATO was the only active player in the region in stopping the military violence in Bosnia and in Kosovo.

The Republic of Macedonia has been the only country hosting the overall logistical support of NATO and a country that has successfully buffed the massive refugees' implications.

The Republic of Macedonia has shown great tolerance towards the provocation of the criminals and the terrorists along our northern border because accepting a conflict does not offer any solution and on the other hand such a conflict would open a dilemma about the KFOR's capability to deal with the Kosovo situation. Hence we express our strategy that we will continue to carry out this strategy of ours, as another contribution of the Republic of Macedonia towards the authority of NATO.

The Republic of Macedonia has taken a strong pace in the overall reforms, which are the condition for a NATO and EU membership.

5. Political and economic character of the Repub1ic of Macedonia

  1. A small state system that could be easily established and sustained. It could be easily integrated into the NATO and the EU co-operation.
  2. Small and mobile military that could be trained and equipped easily and with quality. It will finalise its reforms by the year 2002 with a significant democratic control. A military which does not have a lots of old arms and equipment
  3. A state which is not inclined towards creating political, economic or military problems and a state, which through its own efforts has improved its relations with the neighbours.
  4. A strong political determination for a NATO membership.
  5. This has been proved in practice during the Kosovo crisis and with its openness for having a NATO logistical base stationed in the country.
  6. A confirmed openness for the NATO presence in the Republic of Macedonia.
  7. A state and a policy which does not have any predisposition to condition its co-operation. A state of solidarity.

6. Benefits both for NATO and the Republic of Macedonia

Small investment that need to be put into or given to the Republic of Macedonia and great effects from which NATO would benefit by having the Republic of Macedonia as its member.

And finally, the reforms in the Republic of Macedonia are not for the sake of NATO but for its own sake. But the seriousness and the intentions are undoubtedly motivated by NATO and the EU.

Thank you for your attention


(*)Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name

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