Updated: 14-May-2002 NATO Speeches

9 June 2000


by H.E. Jozo Rados
Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia
at the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in Defence Ministers Session

Mr. Secretary General,

It is my great honour to be here today and address this distinguished forum.

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

As all of you know Croatia has become the newest member of the EAPC family, upon having just recently signed the PfP Framework Document. However, that does not necessarily mean that we have been standing idly by over the past few years. In fact, Euro-Atlantic integration has been a national strategic objective, which has enjoyed broad public support in Croatia.

Today, South-East Europe is perhaps NATO's greatest geo-political challenge. With Croatia joining the PfP, it is our belief that the Euro-Atlantic community has gained a reliable partner in the region - ready to assume its share of responsibilities and capable of upholding the objectives, as well as the principles of the Partnership.

I would like to take this opportunity and once again emphasise our readiness to promote democratic values and friendly relations with all our neighbours through regional co-operation in South-Eastern Europe. In particular, our efforts will be directed towards fostering the peace process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus, hopefully, encouraging democratic reforms in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Croatia will continue to fulfil its OSCE and UN commitments and continue to play a significant role in the Stability Pact for South-East Europe In this sense, the PfP provides Croatia with an additional framework for contributing to peace and security in the region. Multinational efforts and joint actions represent the best possible approach for tackling the threats to security in the twenty-first century. In that sense, let us assure you, we will do our part.

Croatia has already established a robust international military co-operation program of activities and is focused on both bilateral and multilateral co-operation. Accordingly, we view education and training opportunities as the most significant part of these efforts. We are determined to build on this foundation and will look to fully explore the potentials of the EAPC and the PfP.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am also pleased to inform you that a major defence reform process and reorganisation effort in the armed forces are well underway in Croatia. In this respect, the principles of democratic control of the armed forces and defence transparency represent a guiding beacon in our efforts. Membership in PfP will play a critical role as we look to further develop defence structures and forces that are inter-operable with those of NATO countries and meet NATO standards. Finally, allow me to look down the road and assure you that our commitment to the Partnership will strongly reflect the values and objectives of the Euro-Atlantic community.

Thank you for your attention.

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