Updated: 05-May-2000 NATO Speeches

Visit of the
Italian President
to the NAC
5 May 2000

Welcoming Remarks

by Secretary General, Lord Robertson

Mr. President,

On behalf of the North Atlantic Council: welcome to NATO. We are honored that you have taken the time to come to NATO Headquarters to discuss some of the pressing security issues on our agenda.

In that regard, I think it is very appropriate that you are here with us today, because Italy has become, more than ever, a central player in almost all aspects of NATO's agenda. The clearest example of that, of course, is in the Balkans. Almost from the day Yugoslavia began to disintegrate, Italy has played a key role in the international community's efforts to bring peace and security to the region. Since 1993, the Italian Air Force has provided air bases and host nation support for NATO air operations in the Balkans. These operations helped bring an end to the Bosnian war -- and since then, Italy has maintained a robust military presence in Bosnia, to help keep the peace you helped to win.

Italy's role in bringing peace to Kosovo has been even more prominent. During Operation Allied Force, Italy hosted and supported hundreds of Allied aircraft, at significant cost, and real inconvenience for Italian citizens. But Italy understood that this operation was the right thing to do -- indeed, that it was the only way to defence our interests, and uphold our values. I congratulate Italy on your contribution to the air campaign, including of course the 50 combat aircraft that participated in the mission.

Italy's presence in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo is, if anything, even more robust. By contributing a framework brigade of 6,500 troops to KFOR, Italy is making a major contribution to winning the peace it has done so much to establish. Indeed today Italy is the first KFOR contributor.

And Italy's contribution to peace in the Balkans is not limited to military operations alone. Italy has understood that in today's security environment, soldiers aren't enough. Civil reconstruction also requires the kind of law and order that police officers provide, as we are seeing so clearly in Kosovo. That is why the presence of the Carabinieri in both Bosnia and Kosovo is so welcome.

There are also Carabinieri in Albania, as part of Italy's program of assistance to that country. And here too, Italy is demonstrating that it understands the broad nature of security today. By assisting Albanian defence reform, by helping to deter illegal immigration, or by participating in de-mining projects, Italy is playing a leadership role in helping Albania through a very difficult period of transition.

Monsieur le Président, faire la liste de toutes les contributions de l'Italie à l'Alliance me prendrait un certain temps. J'en rappellerai quelques-unes comme la participation active de votre pays au Dialogue Méditerranéen, ou votre soutien au développement de l'Identité de Sécurité et de Défense. De même, l'Italie a généreusement offert d'accueillir les prochaines réunions des Ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'Alliance dans la très belle ville de Florence. Je suis convaincu qu'il s'agit-là d'une contribution extrêmement importante à la solidarité de notre Alliance.

Mr. President, I won't take any more time, except to wish you, once again a very warm welcome. Let me now give the floor to the Dean of the North Atlantic Council, Ambassador Goulden of the United Kingdom.


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