Updated: 13 December 1999 Speeches

EAPC Meeting
in Defense
3 Dec. 99

Intervention by

HE Juri Luik, Minister of Defence of the
Republic of Estonia

Secretary General, Excellencies,

Estonia values the PARP as an important instrument in the development of our defence forces. For the year 2000, Estonia has selected 25 IO-s for implementation in the third PARP cycle. Estonia has also agreed to implement seven IPG-s. In order to accomplish Estonia's goal of developing interoperable forces and moving towards the membership of the alliance the IO-s, IPG-s and future PG-s will in principal be implemented force-wide. We will maintain our active participation in the PARP process and develop the forces according to priority areas, which are:

  • Command, Control and Communication;
  • Logistics;
  • English Language Training.

In drawing up concrete IO and IPG implementation plans Estonia enjoys a good co-operation with several NATO countries, particularly with Denmark. Denmark's assistance is also provided to Latvia and Lithuania thus further bolstering Baltic defence co-operation.

Estonia welcomes the fact that through the MAP-related PGs the extended and adapted PARP will assume a central role in the defence-related part of the MAP process.

This Ministerial Guidance, a thorough and well-balanced document, will establish a practical basis for applicants' planning for future article 5 responsibilities. As to better encompass the alliance's needs MAP-related PG-s will also allow us to better steer our integration process through amending our 5-year goals specified in the second chapter of the Annual National Programme. Here I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to those NATO countries that helped us in the work with the ANP. Your sound advice helped us to compile a balanced and comprehensive set of goals.

We welcome the prioritisation of PG-s, which, in the light of ever too meagre resources, allows partner country to better utilise and direct the finances and to prepare for NATO-led peace support operation and, if we are talking about a MAP country, for membership obligations.

Secretary General,

Let me conclude with saying that Estonia is eagerly looking forward to the qualitative step forward in the PARP and MAP processes - the release and subsequent force-wide implementation of PG-s.

Thank you

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