At the
with the

16 Dec. 1997


by the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
H.E. Mr. Knut Vollebk

The signing of the accession protocols marks a historic day for the Alliance. Norway warmly welcomes the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland into NATO. You are now taking up your rightful place in Europe.

I am convinced that you will contribute to our common aspiration of standing up for shared values and principles of security.We are proud to have worked closely with you throughout the fundamental change which has taken place in Europe over the recent years.

We are confident that our signatures will be confirmed in the ratification process. It is Norway's ambition to be among the first to ratify the accession protocols.

The new Europe cannot be based on closed institutions. The NATO enlargement process is an investment in a more stable, more secure and more democratic Europe. Norway has been a consistent supporter of an open Alliance, and we remain committed to keeping the door open for other democratic states. Those who join now will not be the last to join.

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