of the Ukraine-
NATO Charter
on the occasion
of the Meeting
of the North
Council in

29 May 1997

Logo Sintra


by H.E. Mr. Hennadiy UDOVENKO
Minister for Foreign Affairs

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Dear Mr. Secretary General,
Dear Ministers, Colleagues,

It is about two years when on June 1, 1995 President Kurchma put forward the idea of special partnership between Ukraine and NATO. Following this initiative, we went through a long way from scepticism to serious joint work which produced good results.

Today's approval and initialling of Ukraine-NATO Charter draws the line under our common search for institutionalisation of our relationship, and opens the way for its signature in Madrid. No doubt that this document will help us to streamline our co-operation - both in substance and in form.

This act, together with a decision to create the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, makes this NATO ministerial meeting in Sintra a historic one in NATO's adaptation to new geopolitical realities and openness to the Partners.

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The forthcoming decision in Madrid on NATO enlargement, together with the conclusion of the Fundamental Act with Russia and Charter with Ukraine, create a qualitatively new security environment in Trans-Atlantic area; and testify that NATO remains a major factor of stability on the continent.

Ukraine's strategic line, which is integration into major European and Euro-Atlantic structures, also makes a substantial contribution into peace and stability in Europe.

Just some of recent examples:

  • yesterday's breakthrough conclusion of three agreements on the Black Sea Fleet;

  • tomorrow's signing of a Major Framework Treaty with Russia;

  • finalization and planned signing of the Major Treaty with Romania;

  • conclusion of the Border-line Treaty with Belarus;

  • last week's signing by Presidents Kuchma and Kwasniewski of the historic Declaration on Reconciliation and Unity between Poles and Ukrainians;

  • the day before yesterday's meeting of our President with Presidents of Poland and Baltic states in Tallinn;

  • participation as a guarantor of peaceful settlement in Trans-Dnistria, Moldova;

  • opening of the first and only NATO Information and Documentation Centre in Ukraine.

Just these recent achievements together with today's initialling of Ukraine-NATO Charter testify that Ukraine is not a consumer of peace, security and stability in Europe but its active contributor. We have the political will and means to do this; and are ready to do this with NATO as a whole and every Ally bilaterally.

I can assure you that Ukraine is your reliable and predictable partner and friend.

Thanks you for your attention.

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