From the event



7 May 2008

NATO assists Afghanistan to improve
munitions stockpile safety

A Memorandum of Cooperation supporting a trust fund project to improve safety and physical security at munitions depots in Afghanistan was signed today at NATO HQ by the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.  NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer presided over the ceremony, in the presence of Ambassadors and Representatives of all the countries  participating financially in the project.   The Memorandum of Cooperation paves the way for NAMSA to act as the project’s Executing Agent.  The project will cost €6.29 million and will be implemented over 24 months. 

Belgium, Canada and Luxembourg will act as the Co-lead Nations for the project which aims to enhance the safety and physical security at Afghanistan’s two main national munitions depots, as well as to significantly increase their capacity and effectiveness.  It will also provide assistance to the Afghan Ministry of Defence in carrying out an assessment which will form the basis of a national action plan for ammunition stockpile management, including the disposal of surplus and unserviceable stocks.  Finally, it will review the training needs of the Afghan National Army and the civilian workforce in its depots and provide appropriate training in ammunition logistics and technical duties.

The project will be implemented under the umbrella of NATO’s Afghan Cooperation Programme as set out in the September 2006 Declaration by NATO and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and is the first such Trust Fund of its kind established under this Declaration.  It is a manifestation of international solidarity with Afghanistan and the willingness of NATO and the international community to provide concrete assistance to Afghanistan which will strengthen its ability to achieve security and stability.

All NATO/PfP Trust Fund projects are based on voluntary contributions from NATO Member and Partner Nations, as well as other interested countries and organizations.  In addition to the three Co-lead Nations (Belgium, Canada and Luxembourg), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, Japan, Slovakia, Sweden and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1 have pledged funding for this project.

The NATO/PfP Trust Fund mechanism was established in 2001.  It is a vehicle to assist NATO’s partner nations in the safe destruction of stockpiles of anti-personnel landmines, small arms, and munitions or to help manage the consequences of defence reform.  To date, NATO Member and Partner Nations, as well as other nations and international organizations, have pledged more than €38 million to ongoing and completed Trust Fund projects.

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  1. Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.