
11 June 2007

NATO workshop on man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS)

12-13 June 2007

NATO will host a MANPADS Workshop on 12-13 June 2007 at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

The workshop  “MANPADS and All Its Aspects” will concentrate on the global threat associated with MANPADS and on the global response to it - focusing on the ongoing activities (both technical and political) in preventing the use and proliferation of MANPADS.

Other international organizations and non-governmental organizations will support this workshop with experts. Representatives from private industry have also been invited. The event will be attended by representatives of Non-NATO Member OSCE Countries, Istanbul Cooperation Countries (ICI), Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) and Contact Countries.

MANPADS are shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles. They typically use infra-red guidance and can be a threat to low-flying aircraft and helicopters. Possession, export and trafficking in such weapons is tightly controlled due to the threat they pose to aviation, and there has been considerable concern about their use as terrorist weapons.

 To counter this threat both to civilian and military aviation, the United Kingdom leads the “Large Aircraft Survivability” initiative within NATO. This initiative is designed to improve the survivability of large-body aircraft against MANPADS. It also contributes to the protection of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Fleet (AWACS), a critical component of NATO’s command and control capability.

 For further information, please contact Mr. Kent JAMISON (tel: 0032 2 707 4968, e-mail:,) or Ms. Muazzez ISET (tel: 0032 2 707 7002, e-mail: or via facsimile: 0032  707 4140.

Tel: +32 (0)2 707 50 41 - Fax: +32 (0)2 707 50 57 -