Updated: 10-May-2006 NATO Press Releases


10 May 2006

NATO Missile Defence Feasibility study results delivered

Missile defence

Today NATO’s Assistant Secretary General (ASG) for Defence Investment and Permanent Chairman of the Alliance Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), Marshall Billingslea, signed the NATO Missile Defence Feasibility Study and delivered the final report of NATO’s Armament Directors to the North Atlantic Council.

In 2002, the ASG and the Armament Directors of all NATO nations were tasked by NATO Heads of State and Government at the Prague Summit to develop and examine options for protecting Alliance territory, forces, and population centre against the full range of missile threats. This effort was in tandem with work on building an NATO Active Layered Ballistic Missile Defence (ALTBMD) for the protection of deployed NATO forces.

The Feasibility Study signed today marks nearly four years of detailed technical analysis by NATO’s armaments community. It is a detailed assessment of how to defend NATO population centres, forces and territory from all types of ballistic missile threat. The 10,000-page study was developed by an international consortium of industries, led by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). In response to a series of threat scenarios, developed by NATO military authorities, detailed defence architectures were designed and modelling conducted to ensure that incoming ballistic missiles could be intercepted successfully.

Under the supervision of NATO’s Missile Defence Project Group, and Brigadier General Robert Dehnert, the study was completed by industry and validated by missile defence experts from all NATO nations.

For further information please contact Mr. Bernd Kreienbaum, NATO HQ, Tel: 0032-2-707 4291 or Mr. Loic Langot Tel: 0032-2-707 7346

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