Updated: 09-Jun-2005 NATO Press Releases


9 June 2005


Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Defence Ministers Session

1. We, the Defence Ministers of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, met in Brussels on 9 June. We discussed Ukraine's progress in implementing defence and security sector reforms, as well as Ukraine’s direct contribution to security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area through its support to NATO-led operations. We are determined to work together, building on our extensive cooperation efforts to date, to strengthen democratic institutions, encourage respect for shared Euro-Atlantic values and accomplish wide-reaching reforms throughout the defence and security sector. We undertake this commitment with a view to further supporting the achievement of Ukraine's reform objectives and her Euro-Atlantic integration aspirations.

2. We expressed our great satisfaction that "an Intensified Dialogue (ID) on Ukraine's aspirations to membership and relevant reforms, without prejudice to any future Alliance decision" has been launched. We also affirmed our commitment to implement the package of enhanced cooperation measures announced at the recent meeting of NUC Foreign Ministers in Vilnius. We were unanimous in underscoring the critical importance of defence and security sector reform, in the framework of the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan, taking into account the decision to begin an Intensified Dialogue, and agreed to intensify our practical cooperation in support of the implementation of Ukraine's ambitious reform agenda.

3. We welcomed the commitment of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence to continue significant defence reform efforts including through elaboration of “The State Programme for Development of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to 2011”. While recognizing the need to pursue effective reforms in Ukraine’s defence sector, we also stressed the importance of applying a comprehensive approach to security sector reform and of ensuring that all necessary reforms be adequately resourced.

4. We reviewed our co-operative agenda for 2005-2006 and confirmed that the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defence Reform (JWGDR) would continue to provide a crucial mechanism of NATO-Ukraine cooperation also in support of defence and security sector-related aspects of the Intensified Dialogue. In this context, we agreed to use the group to address a number of priority issues including personnel; institution-building; civil and democratic oversight and control; as well asplans, resources and implementation. We also agreed to work together to assist Ukraine in conducting a comprehensive national security sector review to bring about systemic changes across Ukraine’s security structures and mechanisms according to Euro-Atlantic standards. For this purpose Ukraine is going to pursue a wide-ranging dialogue and consultations with NATO involving relevant experts and officials. We also agreed to continue to assist Ukraine in developing a national defence planning system and to continue our efforts aimed at strengthening synergies between NATO-Ukraine initiatives including through supporting better harmonization of individual Allies' bilateral co-operation with Ukraine.

5. We affirmed the continuing importance of managing the consequences of defence and security sector reforms in Ukraine, and expressed our satisfaction at the establishment of a NATO Partnership for Peace (PfP) Trust Fund project aimed at the safe destruction of stockpiles of surplus munitions, small arms and light weapons, and Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) noting that the project was in its final stages of preparation prior to implementation. We also reiterated our determination to increase and diversify the NATO-Ukraine retraining programme for released military personnel. We will also continue to consult on improving Ukraine's export controls.

6. We reviewed Ukraine's substantial involvement in NATO-led operations. We recognised Ukraine’s practical contributions to peace and stability, including its active involvement in the Balkans. We also welcomed the signature, in Vilnius, of an exchange of letters on Ukraine’s support to NATO’s Operation Active Endeavour, which aims to help deter, disrupt and defend against terrorism through maritime operations in the Mediterranean, and agreed to work on the rapid implementation of Ukraine’s contribution. We further welcomed the recent decision of the Ukrainian Government to consider ways to contribute to NATO’s efforts to support the training of Iraq’s security forces, and the readiness of the Ukrainian Authorities to consider assisting NATO in providing logistical support to the African Union as it expands its mission in Darfur.

7. We also took note of the invitation extended at the meeting by the Minister of Defence of Lithuania to attend the 2005 High-Level NATO-Ukraine Consultations for Defence Ministers to be held on 28 October in Vilnius.


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