Updated: 08-Apr-2005 NATO Press Releases


7 Apr. 2005

Statement by the Secretary General
on the new leadership in Iraq

On behalf of the Atlantic Alliance, I congratulate Mr. Jalal Talabani for his nomination as President of Iraq, and Sheik Ghazi al-Yawer and Mr. Adel Abdul Mahdi for their election as vice Presidents. I also congratulate Mr. Ibrahim al-Jaafari for his nomination to be Prime Minister.

The formation of this Government is an historic and vitally important step in the creation of the new, democratic and inclusive Iraq. The Government faces great challenges, prominent among which is to provide for the security of Iraq by Iraqis. NATO is committed to help, and has already begun to help training and equipping Iraqi security forces. The Alliance looks forward to deepening that support, and to working with the new leadership of Iraq.

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