Updated: 26-Aug-2004 NATO Press Releases


27 June 2004

Press Statement
for the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
in Defence Ministers Session in Istanbul, 27-28 June 2004

NATO Istanbul Summit

The Defence Ministers and Representatives of NATO met in Istanbul, Turkey, in the margins of the Summit Meeting of Alliance Heads of State and Government, to discuss matters of common interest and concern. It was the first meeting of the Council in Defence Ministers Session attended by the Ministers of the seven new Allies since their accession.

The Defence Ministers reviewed the progress made since the Prague Summit in transforming Alliance capabilities, took decisions for their further improvement, and gave directions for additional efforts in this regard. They reviewed work to enhance the Alliance’s role in defence against terrorism. They also discussed current Alliance operations and other crisis management issues.

The Ministers welcomed the signature by a number of Allies of agreements related to multinational initiatives on strategic airlift and sealift.

The Ministers expressed their thanks to their Turkish colleague, Minister of Defense Mehmet Vecdi Gönül, for hosting the meeting.

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