Updated: 15-Mar-2004 NATO Press Releases


17 June 2004

NATO Secretary General welcomes the appointment of
Soren Jessen-Petersen as Special Representative
of the UN Secretary General in Kosovo

On behalf of the Alliance, I would like to congratulate Soren Jessen-Petersen on his appointment as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) in Kosovo.

Through his long service in the Balkans, Mr. Jessen-Petersen has demonstrated his dedication to peace, stability and ethnic reconciliation in the region. His experience in southeastern Europe will be of great value in addressing the challenges that Kosovo still faces. His appointment is a clear signal of the commitment of the international community to provide a better future for everyone in the province. I therefore urged all community leaders, in Pristina as well as in Belgrade, to work closely with Mr. Jessen- Petersen to achieve the standards set out by the UN.

The Alliance will continue to fully support UNMIK and Mr. Jessen-Petersen, as part of NATO’s ongoing effort to help build self-sustaining peace and stability in Kosovo and throughout the region.

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