NATO-Russia Co-Operation In Combating Terrorism
NATO Allies and Russia have condemned terrorism in all its
manifestations and pledged to spare no efforts in bringing to
justice its perpetrators, organisers and sponsors and in defeating
this scourge. They have agreed to strengthen their cooperation
under the Founding Act to achieve this objective.
Today, senior-level representatives of NATO Allies and Russia
met again to take stock of their cooperative efforts and to
reiterate their determination to intensify further their common
struggle against the terrorist threat. Since their October meeting,
NATO and Russia have already launched a broad range of initiatives
in this area. These include, inter alia, regular exchange of
information and in-depth consultation on issues relating to
terrorist threats, the prevention of the use by terrorists of
ballistic missile technology and nuclear, biological and chemical
agents, civil emergency planning, and the exploration of the
role of the military in combating terrorism. Joint work on these
and other measures aimed at defeating terrorism will be further
developed through appropriate NATO-Russia channels on a regular
and comprehensive basis.
NATO and Russia remain committed to the further intensification
of their co-operative efforts to defeat the terrorist threat.