Updated: 22-Nov-2002 NATO Press Releases


22 Nov. 2002

Chairman’s Summary

of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council at Summit Level

  1. The Heads of State and Government, or their representatives, of the 46 member states of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), met today in Prague to discuss the security challenges of the 21st century. They underlined their joint commitment to strengthen and extend peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area, on the basis of the shared values and principles that underlie their cooperation.
  2. The EAPC Heads of State and Government recognised that Allied and Partner countries face many of the same new threats to security and expressed their determination to work together in meeting these new challenges. They reaffirmed the resolve of their states to fight the scourge of terrorism, as expressed in the EAPC statement of 12 September 2001. They stressed the importance of initiatives aimed at increasing the EAPC’s contribution to the fight against terrorism. They welcomed the Partnership Action Plan against Terrorism, developed by Allies and Partners, as a concrete expression of their desire to join forces against the terrorist menace, consistent with their national policies and capabilities.
  3. EAPC Heads of State and Government also reaffirmed their commitment to Euro-Atlantic Partnership and their determination to build on the success of the EAPC and Partnership for Peace (PfP) across all areas of consultation and cooperation. As NATO evolves, so should the substance and process of its cooperation with Partners. With this in view, EAPC Heads of State and Government discussed enhancing political and security-related consultations, adopting a broader approach to security in EAPC and PfP work, increasing the association of Partners with NATO’s decision making process in relevant areas, and intensifying the day-to-day interaction between the Alliance and Partners at all appropriate levels and structures.
  4. The EAPC Heads of State and Government received a report on the “Comprehensive Review of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and Partnership for Peace,” undertaken by Allies and Partners following the Spring 2002 meetings of NATO and EAPC Ministers, and fully supported the set of proposed measures. They emphasised the continued importance of the Partnership initiatives launched at the Washington Summit and reaffirmed their support for the further vigorous implementation of these initiatives. They stressed that interoperability remained a core element of PfP cooperation and should be further enhanced.
  5. EAPC Heads of State and Government stressed the value of work in flexible formats, engaging those Allies and Partners most willing and able to contribute to specific projects. They noted the Partnership Action Plan mechanism proposed in the Report, which will be instrumental in this regard. They underlined that both substance and process of co-operation in the framework of EAPC and PfP should take full account of the particular and diverse needs and circumstances of individual Partners, including those in Central Asia and the Caucasus. To this end, relations between the Alliance and interested Partners needed to be more individualised and – in such context – more comprehensive. They therefore welcomed the new mechanism of Individual Partnership Action Plans, which would be available to interested Partners and instrumental in promoting more focused cooperation and in supporting democratic reform.
  6. EAPC Heads of State and Government reaffirmed the commitment of the Euro-Atlantic community to peace, security and stability in the Balkans. They welcomed initiatives to further strengthen EAPC’s contribution to security and stability at the sub-regional level, including in South-Eastern Europe.
  7. EAPC Heads of State and Government remained determined in their commitment to a vibrant and dynamic Euro-Atlantic Partnership and to vigorous implementation of all the initiatives aiming at adapting it fully to the challenges of the 21st century.


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