Updated: 09-Jul-2002 NATO Press Releases

(2002) 092

9 July 2002


Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission with the participation of H.E. Mr. A.Zlenko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Kyiv, 9 July 2002

On 9 July 2002, the NATO-Ukraine Commission met in Ambassadorial session in Kyiv. This meeting marked the fifth Anniversary of the signing of the NATO-Ukraine Charter on a Distinctive Partnership.

Foreign Minister Zlenko delivered a welcoming address by Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, which emphasised the substantial contribution of the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership to strengthening overall security in the Euro-Atlantic area, and outlined Ukraine's policy of Euro-Atlantic integration, including its strategy towards NATO.

Allied Ambassadors welcomed Minister Zlenko's statement that NATO enlargement strengthens European security, and that NATO's open-door policy is one of the major elements of overall European integration processes, and that both enhance Ukraine's national security. Allied Ambassadors also welcomed Ukraine's commitment to further develop its democratic institutions and continue to implement economic reforms in the context of Ukraine's decision to seek long-term full integration into Euro-Atlantic security structures.

The Commission noted the Progress Report on implementation of the Reykjavik Ministerial tasking, to develop a plan for deepening and broadening the NATO-Ukraine relationship, to be defined in time for the meeting of Heads of State and Government In Prague in November 2002. This Progress Report reviews the Distinctive Partnership's achievements, and suggests areas for deepened political and practical cooperation to be included in a new NATO-Ukraine action plan that would take the NATO-Ukraine relationship to a qualitatively new level. These include, inter-alia, the evolving NATO-Ukraine political dialogue, practical cooperation in defence reform, economic-related activities, border guard cooperation, armaments related issues, civil emergency planning and science. NATO and Ukraine will continue close consultation and cooperation, including at the expert and working level, to define, in preparation for the NUC meeting at the Prague Summit, the parameters and modalities of a deepened NATO-Ukraine relationship, building on the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership.

The Commission also noted the joint NATO-Ukraine Stocktaking Report, which reviewed NATO-Ukraine cooperation since 1997. The report highlighted several significant accomplishments, including the successful implementation of Ukraine's IPP's and the NATO Ukraine Work Plan, projects on retraining military personnel and the conversion of military bases, and the Joint Working Group on Defence Reform's development of 80 National Defence Reform Objectives. Cooperation in Civil Emergency Planning, and disaster preparedness, particularly the projects on flood prevention and relief, and through Science for Peace and the Committee on Challenges of Modern Society underscore the tangible benefits of NATO-Ukraine cooperation to the Ukrainian people at large.

The Commission recognised the important contribution made by the NATO Information and Documentation Centre and the NATO Liaison Office in Ukraine to the development of the Distinctive Partnership and reiterated its commitment to support their work.

Allied Ambassadors look forward to the ratification and full implementation in the nearest future of the NATO-Ukraine Security Agreement, which will considerably facilitate the work of the JWGDR and the broader cooperation carried out under PfP.

Members of the Commission noted with satisfaction Ukraine's continued contribution to Allied efforts in the international fight against terrorism, including the use of Ukrainian military transport to deploy Allied troops in Afghanistan, and the opening of Ukrainian air space to Allied aircraft participating in the anti-terrorist campaign. NATO and Ukraine reiterated their determination to combat the threat of terrorism as long as necessary.

Members of the Commission welcomed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on Host Nation Support between NATO and Ukraine, and the opening of negotiations on strategic airlift.

The Commission also noted with satisfaction the launch of a PfP trust fund to destroy 400,000 Anti-Personnel Landmines in Donetsk.

NATO and Ukraine emphasized their commitment to promote long term stability in the Balkans through regional reconciliation and cooperation, goodneighbourliness, stable and secure borders, protection of the rights of members of ethnic groups and minorities, confidence building measures, and a lasting resolution to the problem of refugees and displaced persons. While expressing special appreciation of KFOR's efforts in bringing stability to Kosovo, NATO Ambassadors welcomed Ukraine's decision to continue its contribution to KFOR through Ukraine's component of the Polish-Ukrainian Battalion, and highlighted the role of the Polish Ukrainian battalion in patrolling the border between Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1).

The Commission welcomed the results of the meeting of the NATO-Russia Council at the level of Heads of State and Government held in Rome on May 28, 2002. The Commission welcomed the deepened dialogue, co-operation and consultations between NATO and Russia, which contribute to the strengthening of Euro Atlantic security.

NATO Allies thanked Ukraine for its hospitality, and welcomed Ukraine's commitment to building a stable democracy based on the rule of law and respect for human rights, and a strong market economy. NATO Ambassadors also welcomed the opportunity to discuss NATO-Ukraine cooperation with President Kuchma and the Verkhovna Rada.

Following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission, NATO Permanent Representatives and the Secretary General attended seminars and information activities in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv and Donetsk.

1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.

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