Updated: 16-Apr-2002 NATO Press Releases


16 April 2002

Chairman's Statement following the Meeting of NATO's Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, on 16th April 2002

National Armaments Directors of NATO member countries met today at NATO Headquarters for their annual Spring Conference to address a broad range of issues facing NATO's armaments community. Their substantive discussions were preceded by an opening address by the NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson. The meeting showed that the CNAD is continuing to play a central role in the pursuit of enhanced defence capabilities. Its most urgent priority is the fight against terrorism, and Directors reviewed the work of their specialist committees in this sphere. The Directors also reviewed their work on the Defence Capabilities Initiative, and in particular on the 11 key action items for which they have the lead role. They also held an exchange of views in a number of key programmes areas, such as Alliance Ground Surveillance, the Suppression of Enemy Air Defence, and Theatre Missile Defence. In their efforts to improve the conditions facilitating enhanced armaments cooperation, National Armaments Directors addressed ways of improving transatlantic defence industrial cooperation on the basis of a report prepared by the NATO Industrial Advisory Group. Overall, the Conference proved to be most productive. The Directors will meet together again at NATO Headquarters on 29-30 October 2002, at which time they will be joined by their counterparts from Partner countries.

For further information please contact Mr. David Cooper, Defence Support Division, NATO, Brussels, Belgium, tel 00-32-2-707.4966, fax 00-32-2-707.4959, e-mail d.cooper@hq.nato.int

+32 (0)2 707 50 41
+32 (0)2 707 50 57
B-1110 Brussels/Bruxelles

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