Permanent Joint Council
Meeting at the Level of Defence Ministers
held in Brussels on 18 December 2001
The NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (PJC) met at the level
of Defence Ministers on Tuesday, 18 December 2001 in Brussels.
Ministers fully endorsed the decision of Foreign Ministers on
7 December to give new impetus and substance to the partnership
between NATO Allies and Russia, with the goal of creating a
new council bringing together NATO member states and Russia
to identify and pursue opportunities for joint action at 20.
Ministers committed themselves to enhance their partnership
in the security and military field.
Ministers agreed that they are ready to pursue their cooperative
efforts in combating terrorism following the terrorist attacks
against the United States on 11 September and other terrorist
attacks, making appropriate use of defence and military tools
properly coordinated with civilian instruments. Allies and Russia
stand united in face of this common threat and fully support
UN Security Council resolutions 1368 and 1373. They commit themselves
to enhance their ability to work together in areas of common
interest and to stand up to new risks and threats to their security.
Ministers agreed to the holding of a NATO-Russia conference
on the military role in combating terrorism in February 2002.
They recognised the importance of defence reform as a key instrument
to ensure adequate military capabilities.
Ministers reviewed the situation in the Balkans and recalled
the importance of their operational cooperation in fostering
regional stability and security. They reaffirmed that their
forces deployed in the region continue to make an essential
contribution. They welcomed the significant progress in their
cooperation on search and rescue at sea and noted the Work Programme
for 2002, as well as a general Work Plan agreed by Military
Representatives of the Permanent Joint Council. Ministers also
welcomed the Exchange of Letters to establish the Military Liaison
Mission in Moscow.